Truth or dare (1/3)

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"How about truth or dare?", Tony asked and looked at the others mischievously. What didn't really look impressive when he was wearing his pyjama.
Natasha laughed in her nightgown. "I would love that. But in the latest sleepover you guys always lied!"
"Well, now we have Loki", I said and nodded in his direction in the circle we sat in. "Our new member can always tell when somebody is lying, right?"
Loki chuckled and leaned his head against the wall behind him, his armour shimmering in the dim light. "Yeah, I can. I think it will be a really nice game, I can't wait to find out more about you."
My stomach started to tingle. Since Loki became a new friend, I started to develop a crush on him. I already loved the sleepovers with the other Avengers in the past, but I was even more excited for this one.
"But nobody will notice when he lies!", Bruce complained.
Thor smirked at his brother. "We will have to use dare more often then."
"Alright", Steve said. "Then let the games begin. I start." He smiled and glanced at the others. "Natasha."
"I knew it", she laughed. "Dare."
"Hmm", Steve answered. "I dare you to flip Tony on the ground."
"What? I will get hurt!", Tony complained.
"You can wear your suit!", Steve said.
"Alright, fine", Natasha said and smirked. She and Tony stood up, but instead of standing still, Tony started to run.
"Oh come on, you know I will catch you!", Natasha called and started to chase him.
Everybody laughed and cheered as Nat chased Tony around the living room table. He made it a few rounds, then he activated his suit just before she catched him. With an "Aaah!", he went down.
"Ouh", he groaned while Natasha walked back to the circle and sat down again. "My god." He slowly got up and came back.
"Thor", Natasha said next.
"Truth", Thor answered, smiling.
Natasha looked from him to Loki. "I always wondered ... if you are ticklish?"
Thor's smile faded. "No", he said grumpily.
"That was a lie and you know it", Loki said smirking. "I always enjoyed running around Asgard, trapping you and -"
"That was pure torture!", Thor exclaimed indignantly.
Everyone laughed.
"Seems to have its downsides to grow up with the god of mischief", Tony commented.
"Which spots did you find?", I asked Loki casually.
"Oh, his armpits and ribs have always been quite enjoyable", Loki entered.
"Loki!", Thor exclaimed. "Fine. (Y/N), it's your turn."
My cheeks turned pink as suddenly everybody including Loki was looking at me. "Um ..." I didn't want Loki to know anything about my attraction to him, so I said: "Dare."
"Hmm." Thor's glance switched between me and Loki, thinking of how he could embarass both of us at the same time. "Describe Loki. But in hot." He leaned back and crossed his arms.
"Uh", I said, turning bright red.
Loki smirked and watched me attentively. "I'm listening."
"Come on, (y/n), I want to hear this", Natasha laughed. She seemed to find this game quite enjoyable. I reminded myself of picking her later.
"Fine", I said. I examined Loki and my stomach tingled more. "Your green eyes are darting like you can look through all my clothes,", I began. I didn't really need to think, this task was easier for me than I liked the others to know. "Your hands are so smooth it must be a pleasure feeling them run over my body, your chest is hot and cold like a burning fire, and your hair must look great and messy after you had sex."
"Oooh!", everybody cheered.
"And not a single lie", Loki grinned.
"Wow, I couldn't have said it better", Tony said.
"Tony!", Steve said. "Is there a secret we don't know about you?"
"Of course not", Tony replied, his ears went pink and he reached for the popcorn.
Loki smirked at me. "Wow, I never thought you would find me that hot", he teased with glittering eyes. "Don't you want to say something about me being called silver-tongue, too?"
I blushed even more. "It seems like I did a great job at embarassing Thor", I answered, trying to drive the topic of the conversation elsewhere.
Thor looked like he just swallowed a boulder.
"Now don't distract", Loki smiled and crossed his legs.
But Bruce interrupted us. "Now, (Y/N), who's next?"

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