Chapter No.22

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Donghyuck didn't know what to say. It was like his brain couldn't comprehend what the older had asked.

The boy could only into the other's eyes where he saw so much hope but also fear, it made the younger's heart stop beating for a brief moment.

After realizing that the elder must have waited for too long, the Korean nodded shyly while looking at the floor to avoid the other's gaze.

"I need words, kitten?", Mark smirked and held the shorter's chin up with his index finger and his thumb.

"I-I would l-like t-to go o-on a....a d-date with y-you.", the now blushing Haechan managed to voice out, staring at everything except the boy in front of him.

The older's smirk grew. Mark couldn't help, he liked how he made the silver-haired boy blush and stutter. It made him proud knowing that he had such an effect on the other.

"Great, so when are you free?", the Canadian asked euphorically, his smirk turned into a soft smile after looking into the Korean's eyes for a few minutes, admiring the beauty in front of him.

"S-Saturday?", Donghyuck responded which sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Saturday it is then.", Mark couldn't stop smirking.

What was wrong with him, he never smiled so much in front of others, not even when he was with his family and friends.

So, why does the boy who was standing so shy while blushing, making him smile like crazy? Why could he stop thinking about the boy in front of him and why would his heart always beat rapidly whenever this boy was near him.

There were so many questions Mark didn't have answers for. He didn't why his behavior could change so quickly whenever the younger is around.
But there is one thing, he knew for sure.

He loved the feeling.

He loved how the other was the cause for his fast heartbeat. He loved how he wouldn't stop smiling when he is with the shorter. And he absolutely loved it how the younger would blush madly and stutter whenever he spoke with the Canadian.

"H-Hyung?", the sunkissed boy tried to get the older's attention while pulling on the hem of Mark's shirt.

"Yes?", the blond-haired boy question after being in thoughts for a little too long.

"W-Would you l-like to come i-inside?", Haechan asked timidly and pointed at the house behind him.

"I would love to but I think our first date should be more than watching something on Netflix. Our first date should perfect and unforgettable.", the Canadian replied honestly, only wanting the best for the younger.

Hearing that from the elder, Donghyuck blushed once again while staring into the other's eyes, really wanting the ladder to spent some time with him.

"Then l-let's not c-call it a date. L-Let's call i-it a....?", the younger thought for a right word and eventually smiling before finishing his sentence, "Let's call i-it a hangout."

And that's exactly how they came to watch some shows on Netflix and eat dinner the younger made for them.

Currently, they were in the Korean's bedroom. They intended to do their homework but in the end, they just gave up and talked about everything they could think of.

"Wait, so what you are trying to tell me is that Jeno and Jaemin started dating because of a girl?", Donghyuck questioned curious about how the couple his best friend had a huge crush on got into a relationship.

"Yeah, they both dated the same girl but didn't know if each other, so when they finally met they decided to ditch the girl and started to hang out more. Eventually, Jeno asked Jaemin out on a date.", Mark explained while smiling because of the cute boy he was with.

It was the best hangout he ever had don't tell this one of his friends, they would get very pissed-off.

"Dang, that probably must have hurt her. But at the same time she was the one who had two boyfriends at the same time who didn't know about each other, so she definitely deserved it.", the younger chuckled but once he saw the other stare at him, he quickly turned to his homework to make him seem busy.

In the end, they decided to do their work because the younger had school the next day and the other didn't want to lag behind with his school stuff.
He may be a 'bad boy' but he still tried to do his best in school and seeing the silver-haired boy smile whenever he glanced at the older and seeing him work made Mark proud of himself.

"It's already late, I should drive home.", Mark stated after he noticed how dark it was outside.

"Yeah, you probably should....", the suntanned boy whispered sadly, he didn't want the other to leave already but at the same time, he was too shy to ask the elder to stay.

The two boys were now standing at the door, the older was ready to leave but before one of them could bid their goodbyes, there was suddenly a loud thunder followed by the sound of heavy rain.

The younger flinched, he absolutely hated thunder and was very scared of it.

Sensing the other's uneasiness, Mark tried to distract the poor boy.
"Hey, I don't think I should drive in this weather. Mind if I stay here for tonight?"

Despite being so scared because of the thunder, Haechan managed to show the elder a slight smile which the Canadian quickly returned.

"Come on, kitten. Let's go to sleep, I'll take the couch.", the blond male took the younger's hand and led him back to the bedroom.

"N-No, I'll the c-couch. You're m-my guest, so you'll my b-bed.", Donghyuck quickly disagreed while shaking his head frequently.

"No, no, no. Because I am your guest I should take the couch. You already let me stay for tonight, I don't want to take your bed for tonight too.", Mark explained and smiled because of Haechan's cute behavior.

Not liking the older's suggestion, the sunkissed boy thought of a new idea until he found one, "The b-bed is big enough f-for two. We c-can share if you'd like."

A few minutes later, both boys were in the younger's bed, lying next to each other very close, and swiftly fell asleep.

The thunder was long forgotten and not noticing how they clung to each other while being asleep.

Hey, my lovely cookies
How are you feeling today?

I hope you liked the chapter

Eat well and stay safe 💞


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