Chapter No.37

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!Warning: cursing and there's some content at the end which can probably trigger some people. So if you're sensitive about this kind of thing, you can skip it. I also want to say that I don't think like that. If you're part of the lgbtq+ community you aren't less worth than other people, in fact, I'm bi myself!

Anyways, I just wanted to say I love you and enjoy~ 💞

Closing the door behind him, Haechan leaned against it before a squeal came out his mouth. He couldn't believe that he was on a date with his longtime crush.

After sitting in the cafe for a few hours talking and getting to know each other better, the two boys decided to leave the car at the cafe and take a walk around the park nearby.

It was nice for both of them. They were the only people at the park, so it was calm and peaceful. At some point, Donghyuck felt how the other moved closer to him before he took the younger's hand into his own, making them walk hand in hand with their shoulders lightly touching.

They even saw a squirrel which the younger named Han because it reminded him of Han Jisung from Stray Kids - but that's beside the point.

Once the boys noticed that the sun was about to set and it slowly got colder, they walked back to Mark's car before the elder drove the other home, holding hands the whole time.

When the two finally arrived in front of the younger's house, Donghyuck couldn't help himself and gave the Canadian a brief kiss on the cheek before he quickly left the car and went inside the house.

And now he is leaning against the front door and daydreaming about his crush on a certain Canadian boy.

However, the boy's mood rapidly changed for the worse once he heard a yell coming from inside the house.

"Yah, Lee Donghyuck! Come here, you brat.", Mr Lee screamed at his son, clearly angry.

Slowly and with careful steps, Haechan walked towards the living room where he saw his parents sitting on the couch. In his mother's eyes, he saw pure coldness whereas he saw so much hate in his father's eyes, the poor boy thought the old man was about to kill him.

"G-Good evening, mom. Good evening, d-dad.", the silver-haired male greeted his parents but didn't look in their eyes, not being able to stand the coldness and hate in them anymore.

"Where were you so long?", Donghyuck's father asked directly, not caring to greet his son back.

"I-I...", Haechan stuttered. He didn't know how to answer that question. The boy remembered how his parents reacted when they saw him with his friends in the living room not long ago. He thought that telling the truth wasn't helping his father to calm down, so he decided to tell his parents a small lie.

"I-I was a-at school and a-after school ended I w-went to the library to s-study a bit more but I g-guess I lost sight of ti-time."

Donghyuck wanted to slap himself so badly at that moment for stuttering and with a look at his parents, he saw that none of them is convinced.

"Stop lying, brat. We all know you weren't in the library, so drop the acting and answer my question.", Mr Lee said, making his son trembling in fear as to how calm it sounded, it was too calm for the boy's liking. "Where. Were. You."

"I-I was out w-with a f-friend of mine."

"What 'friend of yours'?", the father questioned, "Was it probably the boy we saw you were sitting on when we came home from our business trip? Is this boy more than a friend to you? Is he perhaps your boyfriend or some sort of that? Huh?"

"Answer your father, you stupid kid!", the mother piped in, just to yell at her son for not answering her beloved husband.

Donghyuck was shocked. He didn't know how they found out about the fact that he was with Mark the whole time but he realized that if he lied to them once more he'd feel his father slapping him again. And that was a feeling, he didn't want to feel ever again.

"Y-Yes, I w-was with h-him. And n-no, we aren't to-together."

"Do you like him?", Mrs Lee asked, hoping for a negative answer, yet she was disappointed.

The silver-haired male thought about it.
Mark is his crush, so of course, he liked the Canadian but could he tell it his parents?

After some time of consideration, he decided to tell them the truth. Haechan didn't want to hide his crush from his parents. If they were good parents they would support and love him.
But if they were bad parents - Haechan knew that he would be slapped more than just once.

Donghyuck had the feeling that his mother and father are the second kinds of parents, yet he wanted to tell them the truth because of hope.
He hoped he was wrong with his assumptions about his parents.

"Y-Yes, very m-much."

It was silent.

Donghyuck wasn't sure if that's a good sign or not. He only knew that it was killing him inside when he didn't get any reactions from the two people in front of him.

After some minutes of full silence - Haechan being nervous while the other two just stared at him with no emotions - Mr Lee laughed.

He laughed so hard he had tears in his eyes.

"Wow, son, that was one of the best jokes I've ever heard. How do call them again? A prank? Yes, I think that's the word. I think it was such a good prank but now the truth: Who was that boy?"

The old man looked at his son, expecting the latter to laugh with him while saying that it was just a joke.
Yet, when he saw how serious Donghyuck was about it he knew it wasn't a joke or a prank and he got angry. Very angry.

"Yah, Lee Donghyuck, how dare you saying you're gay while being my son? Do you have any idea how disgusting and wrong it is? Have you any idea what that means to our reputation if this goes public. I can already see the headlines: 'Son of Lee Seok-hyun likes dick up his stupid ass.' Do you know what a disappointment you are, you disgusting fag."

By the time his father spoke his last words, the boy was sobbing.
It hurt him that his father talked about him like that. It hurt him that their stupid reputation was more important than him and when he looked at his mother, hoping to see some sort of support, he knew his parents didn't see him as their son anymore- if they did it in the first place.

Thinking so hard about what would happen next, Donghyuck didn't notice how his mother stepped towards him.
He only realized it when it was already too late and he felt a strong pain on his cheek.

His mother slapped him.

"You have house arrest. You are only allowed to go to school and after it ends, you'll quickly walk home. You will never see that boy ever again. Do you understand?"



"Y-Yes, I-I..... I u-under-... s-stood, ma'am.", saying that the boy was scared was a pure understatement.

He was trembling and his tears didn't seem to stop rolling down his face.

"Give me your phone and go to your room.", Mrs Lee demanded and held her hands out for the phone. Yet she seemed to make some distance as if she was afraid she would get a disease from her son and that hurt Donghyuck even more.

The boy wanted to leave the room as soon as possible, so he quickly took out his phone - of course, he turned it completely of, so his parents couldn't read the texts between him and his friends - before he run out of the living room.

He just wanted to go to sleep, hoping that the next day was going to be better than the day before.

Yet, he wasn't so sure if it's really going to happen.

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