Chapter No.28

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"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?", Donghyuck asked confused once he saw his parents walking through the front door.

"What do mean with 'What are you doing here?' This is our house. We live in here, so we are allowed to come home, aren't we?", his mother responded and put her hands on her hips. If there weren't six other boys inside their house, she would have immediately scolded her son.

But for the sake of a good reputation, she decided against it.

"No, I mean, shouldn't you still be on your business trip?", the boy questioned, this time more specific. Don't get him wrong, of course, he loved his parents but it was just that they came at the wrong timing.

He was literally sitting on the Canadian's lap and his parents didn't even know the name of saif boy.

Finally noticing what situation his son was in, Mr Lee decided to speak up, not liking what was happening inside his living room.

"Lee Donghyuck, what are all these boys doing inside our house?", the man said beyond angrily and sent a death glare towards the boy his son was sitting on, "I thought we taught you not to throw parties while we're gone."

Donghyuck was scared. He hadn't seen his father being this angry before, not even then when the boy accidentally threw away very important letters of his father.

"I-I wasn't throwing a-a party. M-My friends w-wanted to keep m-me company s-since I weren't feeling v-very well.", Haechan stuttered and trembled slightly, making the Canadian squeeze the other's hand to calm him down a little bit.

Mr Lee sighed, obviously stressed out by his son, "Okay, listen up, those boys who aren't my son: Leave my house. Now."

"And you...", the man pointed at the scared boy, "...go to your room, we'll talk about it later."

And with that the man left the room to go towards their bedroom, his wife following seconds after, not even looking at the seven boys.

"I-I'm sorry you have t-to leave already. My parents aren't like that, normally.", Donghyuck softly smiled once all seven of them were at the front door.

"Don't worry, it's fine. But your father seemed very mad. If anything isn't going well, please text one of us, so we can help to get you out of here.", Renjun smiled back before pulling the younger in for a quick hug.

"Injunnie is right, if you don't feel well being with your parents, you text us. We are friends now, which means family to us, and we always protect our family.", Jaemin explained and gave the three boys a reassuring smile, making the other three 'bad boys' nod in agreement.

"Thank you. If something is wrong, I'll let you know but for now, you should probably leave. I don't want to anger my dad even more.", the silver-haired boy told the others who bid their goodbyes before leaving the property.

Closing the door, the Korean leaned against it before sighing loudly, confused and stressed at the same time.

Donghyuck didn't know why his father was so angry and why his mother didn't say anything against it. He had a feeling that it was because of him sitting on the older's lap but he wasn't so sure about it.

The boy hadn't talked with his parents about him being gay, so he didn't know how his parents thought about homosexuality.

Of course, he always tried to bring the topic up but it seemed that his parents found an excuse to shirk the subject every time.

It made the sunkissed male sad because he really wanted to come out to his parents but with the prior actions of his father, he wasn't so sure if they'd accept him being attracted towards the same gender.

"Donghyuck, are they gone already?", Mrs Lee asked his son, more like screamed at him. She really wanted the boys to leave as soon as possible.

"Yes, mother.", Haechan said as he walked towards his bedroom but got stopped by his father once he passed their room.

"Donghyuck please come inside."

The said boy was afraid to see his father so calm even though he was the opposite a few minutes ago. It felt like the calm before the storm which made the boy more scared.

"What did you think while letting some strangers in our house? Aren't you educated enough?", Mr Lee asked and got louder with each word, his voice dripping with anger. The man was so angry that his veins on his neck were clearly visible.

After he received no answer, the boy's father slammed his hand on a bedside table and got even angrier, making his son and wife shake in fear.


Donghyuck couldn't speak. It was as if his mouth refused to let out one word. He had so many things on his mind but he was too scared to voice his thoughts out.

"Yah, Lee Donghyuck, don't be disrespectful and answer your father. We taught you better than this.", Mrs Lee finally piped in but immediately scolded his son for being so quiet towards his father.

The silver-haired boy wanted to scream. He wanted to yell at them that they'd never taught him anything. They were always too busy with their work which led him to have several nannies. But once he turned thirteen his parents decided that he was old enough to live without a nanny and since then he basically lives on his own.

They didn't have any servants, so he learned how to cook and do the laundry while keeping the house clean on his own. It hurt the boy whenever he was alone in the house because it always felt like his parents had chosen work over him. Because of that he often invited his two best friends over or went to their houses, so he could forget about the feeling of being alone and not wanted.

"YAH, DON'T IGNORE US, YOU SPOILED BRAT! WHERE ARE YOUR MANNERS?", Mr Lee yelled, snapping his son out of his thoughts. "WHO TAUGHT YOU BEING LIKE THIS?"

"Obviously, not you.", Donghyuck whispered but loud enough for his parents to hear, making them beyond furious.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?", the man screamed, his face and neck completely red. Haechan was afraid the vein on his father's neck might pop any moment.

"I said that you didn't teach anything, old man. You two were always out, working and completely forgetting about m-...", the silver-haired boy got interrupted by a harsh slap.

Hissing after touching his aching cheek, Donghyuck looked at his father with teary eyes.

"Go to your room. Now.", the man demanded before he turned around and walked towards the only bed in the room.

Not able to move, the boy looked at his mother for help but once he saw her walking towards his father he quickly threw the thought away.


And with that, Donghyuck ran out of the room towards his own one, still fighting against the tears that were about roll down his cheek.

Hey, my lovely cookies
How are you guys feeling lately?

I hope you liked the last few chapters

Eat well and stay safe 💞


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