Chapter No.56

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"Hyung, stop it!"

Renjun tried his best to stop the older male from leaving and hunting down his childhood best friend.
Once Mark saw all the notes attached to the pictures, he instantly knew that Yoo-ra was behind everything; the only thing none of them knew was why.

Why would someone do such cruelty to another person? What would she gain out of this?

"Hyung, I'm being serious. You are going to wake up Hyuckie."

It took a while but fortunately, Haechan fell asleep not too long ago, the exhaustion draining all his energy. However, with Mark being too stubborn and loud, it wouldn't take long for the young boy to wake up again.

The older of the two simply looked at the other before trying yet again to leave the house, this time with no sound whatsoever.
He didn't want to leave his fullsun alone, not when he was in such a vulnerable state, but he couldn't just let that girl walk freely one more second.

"Hyung, we don't even know if it's her in the first place. It could be someone else.", the small voice of Chenle was heard, his body completely hidden by Jisung. The small boy seemed to be too afraid to voice out his thoughts any louder.

"Someone else?!", by now Mark was enraged. It was clear that the handwriting from the attached notes belonged to none other than Yoo-ra, so how dare they try to defend her.
"And who would that be? Do you know someone who would do such a thing? Huh?! Because I sure as hell don't, no one but except for her."

Mark turned toward his friends, his voice becoming louder and harsher with each word leaving his mouth. Yet, once he noticed the frightened expression of not only Chenle but also Jisung, he couldn't help a small feeling of guilt rising inside his chest.
The boy didn't mean to scare any of them like that, but he couldn't think straight when someone was threatening his love.

"Listen...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come at you guys like that. It's just...I am a hundred percent sure that this is Yoo-ra's doing, it's her handwriting. I can't prove it yet, but you have to believe me...Please..."

The five boys felt bad for their hung, they rarely saw him so desperate – terrified even – his demeanor completely changed from a few moments prior; his voice was barely above a whisper and his eyes held so many unshed tears, Chenle had to look away or else he would have the older male go.

However, he knew that was no option because even though his sleeping friend hated the girl with everything inside him, he would never allow his boyfriend to go after her without any solid evidence.

"I know this must be hard for you, hyung, but you can't leave Hyuckie now, not when he needs you so much at the moment.", Renjun softly began, slowly making his way toward Mark and hoping to calm him down, even if it's just a bit. "And like you already said, there's no proof other than the handwriting, which might not even be hers to begin with. So we can't solely focus on her."


"They are right, Mark, we cannot say that it is Yoo-ra who is behind all of this.", a voice suddenly came from the staircase. Glancing in said direction, the six boys noticed Donghyuck standing there with his eyes not leaving his boyfriend.
"Come on, hyung, let's get you to bed. I'm sure I am not the only one mentally exhausted from the day."

Without saying anything else, Haechan quickly walked over to Mark and intertwined their hands before he dragged the older one upstairs to the room he was still sleeping in merely moments ago.

"I'm sorry, we woke you up. I didn't intend to be so loud."

The two of them were now laying on the bed in the middle of the room, not speaking until Mark decided to break the silence.

Donghyuck smiled softly at the other's words; to be honest, at first, he had been a bit sad realizing that Mark was about to leave him alone, but the sun-kissed male knew that his boyfriend only tried to help and for that he couldn't help himself but feel warm all over his body.

"You don't have to apologize, I would have woken up eventually." Donghyuck tried his best to lighten up the mood, not wanting his love to feel remorseful "Besides, now I get to cuddle with my handsome boyfriend, so I'm not complaining and neither should you."

Donghyuck shot the older a threatening glare, which looked to the letter as threatening as a glaring kitten. Mark couldn't contain his laugh much longer, so he tried to cover it up with a cough which only resulted in an intensified non-threatening glare from the boy between his arm.

"I'm not complaining, I promise."

"Good. And now: close your eyes and sleep."

With those demanding words coming from the younger, they both closed their eyes and quickly fell asleep, loving smiles decorating both of their lips.

"Hey, hyung, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but we need your help with something...It's about Hyuckie.", Chenle softly spoke through his phone, trying to be as quiet as possible. "I can't talk to you about it on the phone...I will explain it to you later...Yeah, meet us at Hyuckie's house."

Without bidding any goodbyes, Chenle ended the call and turned around, wishing to be in the living room again and watch the movie Jaemin chose right before he walked out of the room to call his hyung, only to be greeted with an emotionless Jisung.

Chen's let out a high-pitched scream before he remembered the two boys sleeping upstairs and quickly quieted down.

"Who were you on the phone with?", just like his face, Jisung's voice was emotionless too, not giving away what he was truly thinking, however, Chenle immediately understood what the other was trying to do, which made a small smirk appear on his face.

"Why are you jealous?", Chenle stared at the taller in question and nearly let out a laugh after seeing the look of disbelief crossing the latter's face.

"There's no need to feel jealous, so you don't have to worry. Besides you will meet him in a bit, he is coming over.", were the last words from Chenle before he walked past Jisung and toward the living room.

Hello, my lovely cookies
How are you feeling lately?

Here is a new chapter as a Christmas gift for you guys, I hope you enjoy it (and for those, who don't celebrate Christmas, it is also a present for you and I hope you enjoy it as well.)

What do you think of this update? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Have nice holidays and a great start into the next year
Eat well and stay safe 🌺


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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