Chapter No.25

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After crying for a long time, Donghyuck was too exhausted to keep his eyes open which led him to pass out in the older's arms.

Mark sighed.

The boy was heartbroken when he saw the other with the teacher, being in so much pain. Seeing the younger being in so much pain while the tears rolled down his face, the Canadian wanted to hug the other while showering him with all his love. He felt the need to protect the younger from all the bad things in the world.

But this feeling quickly faded when he looked at the asshole called a teacher who hurt his kitten, sunshine, his fullsun, and instead, anger raised inside his body.

So with seething anger, the boy stormed towards the two males before forcefully pulling the teacher away from Donghyuck.
The angered boy beat his teacher up until the man's whole face and his own wrists were covered in blood, only stopping once he heard a painful scream coming from a crying Haechan behind them.

Mark looked at the hurt younger and his gaze softened immediately.
Going towards the other, he tried to calm the sobbing boy until the said male passed out in the other's arms.

Haechan groaned as he was still half-asleep.

The boy tossed around before he opened his eyes just to see that he was in his bed. He was confused about how he got there but wasn't complaining as he was still exhausted and hurt because of the events prior.

Donghyuck tried to sit up but quickly laid back when his whole body started to hurt.
After a few more tries, he finally managed to sit up straight up, feeling a little bit dizzy.

The Korean wanted to get up but once he tried to, his legs started shaking and got weaker before they eventually gave up.

With a loud noise, Donghyuck fell from his bed on the floor, making his body ache even more.

Three seconds later, he heard quick footsteps coming towards his room.

Opening the door, the silver-haired boy saw none other than Mark Lee standing in front of him.

The Canadian seemed to be alarmed as he searched for the younger in the room and couldn't find him but was relieved once he saw him sitting on the floor in front of the floor.

"Hey, what's wrong, kitten?", Mark asked, concerned when he saw the tears in the other's eyes.
The older quickly walked towards the sitting boy before he knelt once again in front of him.

"What's wrong? Tell me, baby.", the elder asked after didn't get an answer from the other. Just like the last question he didn't receive an answer either.

Instead of responding, the younger quickly pulled the Canadian into a tight embrace, hoping it would ease his pain and he could calm down with the help of the other.

Mark instinctively put one of his arms around the smaller's waist while the other one rubbed his back, trying to give the younger as much comfort as he could.

After some time, they pulled away from the hug but only so much that they still had their arms around each other.

"E-Everything h-hurts...", Donghyuck's whimper broke the silence which filled the bedroom a few moments ago.

"You got a fever, sunshine.", Mark replied softly before he stood up with the younger in between his arms.

"I made some soup, it's not the best but it's eatable. You should eat it before drinking your medicine and going back to rest on your bed."

"And how is it?", the older of the two questioned while tilting his head, making the younger silently fanboying over the other's cuteness.

"I-It's n-not bad.", Haechan's voice was still hoarse but neither of them really cared at the moment, "Y-You did a-a pretty g-good job w-with i-it."

Mark couldn't stop the smirk forming on his lips because of the other boy's praising.
He felt proud that the male in front of him liked his soup.

"Thank you."

"H-Hyung,....I h-have.... a...a question.", Donghyuck slightly struggled to say something as his throat started to hurt like crazy. As a response, he got just a curious look from the older which led him to ask his question, "W-Where are.... Where a-are Renjun-hyung...a-and....Chenle....? D-Do they...know th..that I-I'm safe at....home?"

"Yes, they know, baby. Don't worry. They wanted to come but I reassured them that I will take care of you.", the Canadian answered honestly, frowning when he noticed how long the other took to ask his questions and how much his throat has to hurt, "At first, they protested but once I told them that you needed some rest without too many people at the same time around you, they agreed to stay at school and take notes for you. Yet, you could tell that Renjun wasn't very satisfied. They promised to visit right after school ends."

Haechan could only nod to that and smiled softly, his throat aching too much to say something.

"Kitten, come on, you should drink your medicine, so you can go back to sleep and rest.", the Canadian tried to make the other one drinking his medicine but the boy refused to.

Instead of drinking it, Haechan walked slowly to the living room but got stopped when he felt arms wrapping themself lightly around his waist, carefully not to hurt him.

"Sunshine, please. You want to get better soon, don't you?", Mark pouted, making the younger's heart beat rapidly because of how cute the elder was at the moment.

Finally giving in, the smaller male drank his medicine but not before sending one last glare towards it.

"H-Hyung,.... I-I'm tired....", Donghyuck whispered and hugged the Canadian once his eyes started to close by themselves.

"Let's go, get you in your bed, sunshine.", the blond boy replied before he picked up the boy in his arms from the ground, walking towards the younger's bedroom.

In the bedroom, Mark put the Korean in his bed and wanted to leave, so the latter could get some rest but he got halted by a hand.

Turning around, the boy saw Haechan half-asleep gripping onto his shirt, "C...Cuddles."

Completely understanding what the younger was talking about, Mark laid beside him, making the silver-haired boy immediately cuddle onto the elder.

Mark's heart stopped beating for a few moments as he saw his sunshine clung to him while looking too cute with the pout on his face.

Quickly pulling Donghyuck closer, the blond male nuzzled his nose in the other's neck and relaxed at his scent before slowly drifting to sleep.

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