Chapter No.29

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Arriving in his bedroom, Donghyuck quickly shut his door before he threw himself on his bed. He couldn't hold his tears in anymore, so he just let them roll down his cheeks.

The boy was mentally and physically. Everything started to hurt again, it was like every part of his body was on fire.

Donghyuck screamed.

He didn't know if it was because of his aching body or because he was slowly drowning in his emotions.

The crying boy felt so many different emotions, he was angry, sad, confused but the strongest one was disappointment.

He wasn't very disappointed in his parents but more in himself.
How could he hope that his parents would suddenly give him love and affection after being away for around two weeks?

Why did he keep believing that whenever his parents would come back from a business trip? And why did they have to destroy his hopes every single time?

Finally stopped crying, Haechan just laid on his bed while looking nonchalantly at his ceiling but quickly discovered things he hasn't seen on it before.

'Was there ways this stain on my ceiling?', the boy thought as he tried to distract himself from his burning body and aching heart.

It took some time for the silver-haired male to calm down fully but once he did he grabbed his phone and called the first person that was shown in his contacts.

"Kitten?", was the first thing which came from the other line once they picked up the call.

Hearing the familiar pet name from the other, Donghyuck felt his eyes water again and had to suppress a sob.

"Sunshine, are you alright? What's wrong?", that was the last straw for the boy to break down once again, still trying to quiet down his cries.

The older sounded so concerned about the other, the younger just wanted to be in Mark's arms and forget everything that happened with his parents.

"Sunshine, I'm worried about you. Why are crying?", the Canadian asked softly and waited for the boy on the other line to calm down.

"Baby, everything is going to be fine, okay? Please stop crying, I may not be with you right now but it still hurts me hearing you cry.", the elder tried to soothe Donghyuck which eventually worked.

"H-Hyung....", the younger whimpered as he wiped his tears away.

"Yes?", Mark's voice softened once he heard the other like this. It broke his heart to know that the younger was crying and he couldn't do anything much to make him forget about his pain.

"H-Hyung... C-Can you p-please, pick m-me u-up?", Haechan's voice barely above a whisper. The boy didn't have the energy to stay in the house for the day and it wasn't like his parents would want him to be there.

"Of course, I'll text you when I'm at your front door.", and with that, the Canadian hung up before walking towards his car and driving to the younger's house.

After a few minutes, Donghyuck received a text message from the other which said that he was waiting at his car.

Quickly replying with a simple 'okay', the boy took his phone and wallet before he slowly headed towards the front door, not wanting to wake up his parents who seemed to be in deep sleep.

When the silver-haired boy finally arrived in front of the elder, the latter pulled him into a hug while he caressed the younger's back.

"What happened, sunshine?", Mark eventually asked and slightly pulled away from the hug.

"N-Not here, h-hyung...", the sunkissed boy said and wanted to walk towards the passenger seat but got stopped by the other male.

"Who was that?", the older growled and pointed towards Donghyuck's cheek where a dark bruise was clearly visible.

Instead of answering, the boy pulled the Canadian into a short hug before seating himself on the passenger seat of the latter's car.

Looking at the spot where the younger stood a few moments ago, Mark tried to calm himself down and went towards the driver's seat.

"W-Where are we driving?", Haechan asked quietly while turning towards the blond boy.

"You'll see.", was the only response the boy got before the elder started the car and drove in an unknown direction.

"H-Hyung, where a-are we?", Donghyuck questioned as he looked curiously at the small cabin in front of him.

The two boys were currently in front of him in the woods. At first, the younger was a little skeptical when they drove to the woods but seeing what's in front of him made him calm down.

The view was beautiful. Adjacent to the cabin was a small lake which seemed to be sparkling once the sun shined at it while a few birds were flying around. All in all, was it a very peaceful scene and the silver-haired boy instantly calmed down.

"So, how do you know this place?", Haechan wanted to know once both of them sat at the kitchen table, eating some chocolate and other candies the older could find.

"My... My mom used to go with me here when I was a kid.", Mark replied with a little bit of hesitation in his voice. The younger was the first person he showed this cabin and it meant a lot to the Canadian.

"Not trying t-to sound rude or something b-but do you want to talk about i-it? About y-your mom?", the younger asked softly as he didn't want to seem rude or making the older uncomfortable, "I-I mean, you d-don't ha-..."

"My mom died when I was five years old. I don't remember much of her but I know that she always brought me here when I wasn't feeling alright.", the blond male interrupted the other and stared at his hands as he began to play with them, "In the five years I had spent with her, she always made sure that I was alright, that I was happy. She always put herself's well-being after the other's ones."

Mark smiled softly, took the younger hands in his own ones before he spoke again, "Every time I'm feeling down, I come here to remember how she always told me stories to make me feel better. Or how she always used to sings something whenever I couldn't sleep."

Donghyuck was shocked. He didn't know that the cabin meant so much behind it, yet there was still a question he needed to ask.

"Who knows about this cabin?"

"You're the only one.", the elder stated before he pulled the younger into a hug once again.

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