Secret Side Hustle

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Sorry for spam updating. I just have a lot of free time.

Justin Bieber (Radcliffe)

I sobbed into my pillow, letting the built up tears fall down. It's only been a few hours since Richard had left for Europe, so I finally had a chance to be alone to myself. Well, besides my little creature named Panni. His loud yet soft roar of a meow caught my attention, as he slyly scampered across my bare naked back. "You're right Panni, I need to get to work." I smeared my damp cheeks against the silk pillows. 

Sighing a hitched and hiccuped one, I tossed myself up right. Yes, I said work. 

Now, you're probably wondering. Why would the husband of the richest man in all of New York have to work? Well the answer is, I don't. But I needed something to keep me occupied, an excuse to get out of this house. I was honestly going crazy. 

Oh, I just realized. I guess I should go back a little to help you understand on how this arrangement started in the first place.

All of my life, my Mother told me that I would have until the age of 19 to find an "eligible suitor."
Her words, not mine. And I wasn't exactly boy crazy. I just felt like there were more important things in life than finding a rich man to marry.

I dated here and there. Had a few flings. Nothing directly serious. Besides, in all honesty, I found most of the men here so uninteresting. And before I knew it, 19 rolled around and I was still hopelessly single. 
I always thought Mom was joking about her time limit, I never thought she would actually try and set me up with someone. Let alone force involuntary marriage.

I mean, what the hell? It's the twenty first century, people don't still arrange marriages. But I was oh so wrong. I should have known to never underestimate the lengths of my Mother would go to make sure our family is forever wealthy.

Even if it meant destroying her own son's life in the process. 

She told me that Richard would be perfect for me. And what she meant by perfect was that he had endless amounts of money and a last name that made people cower in fear. She didn't care that he was cold hearted monster, she didn't care that he was so much older than me. A disgusting surprising fact, he was my Father's best friend. ]

Dad is probably rolling around in his grave at the thought of Richard and I. If only he were still alive. None of this would have ever happened. 

I refused to marry him. I threatened t runaway and never look back. But Mom threatened something far worse. She said if I didn't marry Richard than I would be considered a bad example for Phoebe. She said, and I quote - "You'll never get to see her again."

But I wouldn't let that happen. No chance in hell. 

I couldn't let my little sister go through the same things that I had to suffer and endure. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I left her behind to fend for herself. 

But don't think I gave up without a fight. I cried and begged for months for my wicked Mother to reconsider. 

Yet alas, she never did. 

And year later, Richard and I were walking down the isle. 

But you see, I tried my very own best to be the perfect little "house wife".
I mean, as much of a "house wife" an Upper East Sider can be. I didn't have to cook or clean. Richard said that's what the servants are for. 
I was supposed to shop all damn day, and go to lunch with the other housewives for bottomless champagne while they discuss all of the latest petty gossip. 

Perfect Little Desires;Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz