Coffee Date

83 4 12

Justin Bieber (Radcliffe)

I stepped into the warm coffee shop of Luca's, the scent of fresh brewed coffee instantly filling my nostrils as it filled the air with it's pleasant aroma. Having my eyes inspect the area, I couldn't help but notice that Serria wasn't here. Maybe she isn't here yet?

I'll just order and wait for her. 

"Justin! Oh my goodness, how are you?" My old time friend, Jacob exclaims. "Jacob! I'm doing alright, how's NYU?" Jacob smiled softly. "It's going great. 3.9 GPA last semester." 
"Awe that's good for you. It sounds like fun." 

"Thanks Justin, now - what can I get for you today?" I tsked my tongue, as I skimmed all of the fancy names on the board. "I'll just have an iced coffee with cream and sugar." I told, as Jacob nodded. 

"Jacob, you haven't happened to see Serria yet, have you?" I question, as Jacob shook his head no. "But, here is your drink." I flashed him a warm genuine smile, saying my thanks. Stepping away from the counter, and heading towards the tables, I couldn't help but notice that Serria still never showed. 

Strange. She's never this late.

Just as I was about to sit down, the familiar deep husk voice that always sends chills down my spine spoke, indicating that he was just simply behind me. 
"Hello, beauty."

"Jason? What are you doing here?" I gasped, quickly spinning on my heel to face the man. "Are you stalking me?" The towering man chuckled, his chest bouncing as he did so. "No, Serria told me about your coffee date and agreed to send me instead. So uh, will you sit with me... please?"

"I-I can you give me a second?" I told, quickly but slowly jogging over to the restrooms. Entering an empty stall, I whipped out my cell phone and dialed Serria's number. 

"Serria! You have fifteen seconds to explain!" I shouted through the device.

"Okay, just calm down. This is for your own good. You'll thank me later."

"What? What are you even talking about?"

"You know I'm good at reading people. Jason is a good one. You should have heard the things he was saying about you."

"Serria, it doesn't matter! I'm married! And so is the man himself!"

"Juju, I'm not saying you have to jump into bed with him. Even though that doesn't sound like too bad of an idea.


"Geez, lighten up. But at most, hear him out. What do you have to lose, Justin?"

"Ah, I don't know Serria... maybe my entire existence!"

"You'll be fine. Richard isn't around at the moment. Just sit and have coffee with him. There is no absolute harm in that." 

Maybe Serria is right. No one has ever been hurt over a cup of coffee, right? 



"Beauty!" Jason beamed his smile, pursing his plump lips cutely. "Stop calling me that." I grumbled. "Alright, will you sit with me?" I nod my head. "One cup of coffee. As friends." I spoke clearly. "And stop looking at me like that!" Jason's grin quickly vanished, as I followed him to the table. 

We've been sitting still for about five minutes now. No words have been spoke, and he's been staring me down like a hawk gazing for it's prey. And I'm not sure if I should be creeped or flattered. 

I've also been trying to avoid eye contact. I fear that if I look at him long enough, I'll get swept up in his essence and will never find my way out. Well, even though getting lost with him does sound a lot nicer than the life I am now. Yet, I still don't know what to think of Jason. I've never felt such a pull towards someone before. It kinda scares me.

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