Happy Birthday

43 3 9

Justin Bieber

The last month was pretty calm to say the least. A lot has happened, but for once they weren't happening to Jason and I. We've been able to enjoy ourselves.  We've been able to be happy and in love without anything or anyone getting in the way.

It's been amazing. More than amazing. Magnificent. Magical. And marvelous. 

And! We've gotten into our little routine together. Dinner was every evening, date night every Saturday, and movie day in bed on Sundays. Jason finds new ways to make me fall deeper in love with him every day.

I don't think I could be more lucky.  He spoils me with all the love and affection I could ever want. 

If you told me this is how my life would have turned out last year, I would have roared in laughter in your face. I would have never believed that life had this much happiness in store for me.

But here I am. With the love of my life, living the best one. It almost makes everything we have been through worth it. It almost makes it seem everything we endured was all so we could be here today.

With an unbrekable bond, and a ferocious love that will live on for all of eternity.  We are infinite. We are everything.

Cecilia was brought in for questioning shortly after we spoke with the detective. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but from what I have heard, she had some sort of a psychotic break and slipped into psychosis.  

I always knew Cecilia had a few loose screws, but this takes it to a whole nother level of crazy. It didn't take much for her to confess to poisoning Jason, as well as her second husband. She said she didn't poison her first, but instead crushed up sleeping pills and put them into his tear before bed one night.

Jason thinks she's playing her crazy-ness so she doesn't have to stand trial. But I don't know. She's got two people killed and got away with it for years. Maybe she's always been insane, and was good at hiding it.

She also broke down and gave all the information they needed to take down Sunhill Grove.

This revelation completely rocked the Upper East side for weeks. 

"More breaking news has just came in regarding the Richard Radcliffe scandal. Last night, the police raided what seems to be some sort of secret society located in the mountains of Denver, Colorado. They found large amounts of narcotics and several women whom looked to be abused.  Two prominent Manhattan business men were found at the scene and were taken to authorities in handcuffs. We'll continue to report on this case as soon as more information comes in."

Daniel had his court day last week. After examining the footage from the security cameras, Richard's death was ruled as an accident because Daniel didn't push Richard. Not directly off the balcony. 

The footage shows how Daniel was protecting Phoebe from a very, very livid Richard.  When he was shoved, he stumbled backwards, tripped, and then plummeted to his inescapable death.

The judge ruled it as self-defense.
Daniel got two years probation and one hundred hours of community service. We're all relieved. Daniel did not deserve to go to jail for this. 

I'm happy he can go to college now. I'm proud of him, and he's come such a long way. He's still very hurt over the situation with Cecilia, but Jason, Phoebe, and I have stood by his side. Just like I got through everything. 


"Come on Panni! Just wear the damn thing for one second! I know it will make my baby smile." Jason told, as he fumbled with something around Panni. "Meow." The little thing says, as I stepped closer to him. 

"Jason? What are you doing?" I ask, as Jason spins on his heel with a huge grin. "Happy Birthday, baby boy!" I giggled, noticing the little party hat strung around Panni. "Thank you. And awe, look how adorable my Panni is."

"We have somewhere we need to be in about an hour, so hurry up and get ready!" 

"I told you, I didn't want anything for my birthday. I just want to stay in bed with you and eat spaghetti all day."

"We can do that after. I promise. Go on, get a move on it. We can't be late!" I roll my eyes, stepping out of the room. 


"Why are we at the animal shelter?" Justin questions, as they stepped into the pitch dark lobby. "Are we getting a puppy?"

"No, baby. Something even better." Jason replied, as the boy scoffed. "Nothing can be better than a puppy." Jason tossed his head back in a chuckle. "You might want to re-think that."

Jason laced his hand with Justin's guiding him deeper into the darkness, when suddenly the light flickered on, bringing a bright coating to the room. "Happy birthday!" Everyone screams, as confetti and balloons drop from the ceiling. 

Justin gasped, excitement glistening in his pools of honey orbs. "Thank you! But why are we here in the shelter?" He asks, as his glanced around. 

"Well, I kind of... bought the place for you." Justin's jaw dropped instantly. "You what?!"

"Uh... happy birthday?" Suddenly, Justin collapsed into Jason's chest, sobbing. "Baby no, don't cry. You said it was your dream to own an animal shelter and I wanted to make that come true for you. I just wanted to make you happy."

"Oh, J-Jason. You're just too perfect." He wipes his eyes with his sleeve. "You're not upset?"

"No, I'm over the moon in happiness. I just can't believe you did this for me." He croaks, still clutching onto the man's masculine arms. "I just want you to live out all of your most wonderful and wildest dreams, Beauty. I will spend every second of the rest of my life to make sure your beautiful smile never leaves your cheeky face. I love you, Justin. Happy birthday."

"I love you too, Jason. So, so much." I reply, stepping away from his warm and comfortable embrace.

"Alright, enough of that sappy shit. Let's party!" 


for plot purposes, Justin was not born in March 

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