Have Me

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yes it's time my friends :)

Jason McCann

The last few days have been really tough. I couldn't be happier that Richard is dead. I feel so much better now that he isn't hurting my baby boy. My plan was to go to him that night and sweep him off his feet. Tell him that we can be together now because nothing is standing in our way. 

I hope he still wants that. But of course, the universe had other plans. 

I watched as Daniel shut down when the police questioned him. He was having some sort of panic attack. I had to be there for him. Even though we've never been close, he's still a kid.  And Cecilia is so wrapped up in her own world of emotions that she hasn't even noticed how messed up her son is. She hasn't even been home. 

But she could have put whatever her and Richard had aside for a moment. Can't she see that her son needs her? I thought he would be alright after a few days, but he's still having nightmares.  He refuses to eat properly.  And barely leaves his room.  

He hasn't said a word about what really went down that night.

It's about three in the morning, and I can't sleep. A certain someone is always running through my mind. Suddenly, the T.V caught my attention, 

"Breaking News in the Radcliffe murder case. This just in! Less than a week ago, a well known business man Richard Radcliffe was allegedly shoved off a balcony, resulting in his death. And the police have made an arrest, and who it is might just shock you. His husband, Justin Radcliffe was arrested hours ago at their Upper East Side penthouse. They believe he has several motives for wanting him to perish, and he has most certainly displayed very odd behavior since his death."

"Holy shit!"


"Patricia! Patricia!" I scream as I entered the Mallette Mansion. "Patricia! Get up!" The woman came stumbling out of her room, her hair clearly taking the personality of bed-head. "What the hell is wrong with you? Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Justin has been arrested for Richard's death! Hurry! We have to go to the police station. This has to be some mistake."

"Can't we just go in the morning?"

"Are you crazy? We need to get him out now!"

"Well, hold on. I have to get dressed and put on some makeup."

"We don't have time for makeup! Your son has been arrested. My boy can't go to jail! He's too... he's too precious for that. And I know that he didn't murder him! Even though he should have."

"Alright, calm down."

"Get a move on it!" The woman rolls her eyes, taking steps back to her room. "Call a lawyer!"


"Phoebe? What's wrong? Did you have another nightmare?" Daniel says, as he held his phone to his ear. "No! My brother has been arrested for Richard's death!" The girl frantically speaks. "What? That's ridiculous. He wasn't even out there when it happened."

"Yes, but we're the only ones who know that! We have to come forward, Daniel. We have to talk. My brother has done so much for me. I can't let him take the fall for this." The boy sighed. "You're right. He's done a lot for me too. He's the only reason I'm graduating. I'll come get you now and then we'll go to the station." 

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