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Jason McCann

"Who are you, and what do you want?" I question as younger boy approached me. "Jasper. Jasper Kensington. You need to stay the hell away from Justin." I let a deep and low chuckle escape, at how naive this young man is. "Funny."

"I'm serious. If you know what's good for you, you'll stay away from him."
"Am I supposed to be afraid of you? Or your pathetic threats? I'll do as I please, and Justin is a grown boy who can make his own decisions."

"He doesn't need someone like you in his life."

"Someone like me? Oh right! Because I'm not from the Upper East Side that automatically makes me trash. Kensington, right? So I assume that makes you heir to Kensington Pharmaceuticals fortune. Which also means you're just another fund spoiled little bitch who's never had to work a day in their life. Which also means your opinion means absolutely nothing to me."

"Justin is an amazing person. We've been friends since we were children and I will not let the likes of you-"

"Wait a second..." I jump right into his speaking. "Are you jealous? So this isn't even about me, you have feelings for him?" I tossed my head back from the roaring laughter, as the boy struggled to grasp his words. "I-I d-don't like him. I have a girlfriend and Justin is married."

"Yeah, that was totally convincing."

Great, not only do I have an abusive husband to get out of the way, but now this love-sick fool.

"Look, if you've known Justin all this time and it's never worked out between the two of you... he's probably just not into you. Accept it and move on. Now, I don't take kindly to people attempting to tell me what to do, So i'm going to move on with my day because unlike you, I have actually have to work for everything I have. See you at the ball, Kensington." 


"Awe, no glasses today? I'm disappointed. They looked so adorable on your cute little face." I cooed, peering over Justin's desk. "Jason, I'm really starting to think you're stalking me. What are you doing here?"

"I'm so sorry Justin. I should have told you. I personally called Jason because Daniel decided to put dead fish inside all of the teachers desks" Principal Williams told. "Does that mean he's expelled?" I find it so loving that he cares for Daniel. I think he'd be well with our future children.

"That's why I called Jason. We have to discuss Daniel's options."

"I have no say in anything Daniel does. He doesn't seem to care about his education, so why should I?" I shrugged, as a squeaky scoff came from the cutie himself. "Because he's a misguided kid who just needs someone to push him into the right direction."

Williams nodded his head. "Maybe Justin is right. I have already talked to the school board and he no longer will be allowed on school property after the expulsion. However, he will be able to graduate with his class as long as he gets a tutor and pass all of his tests."

I groaned. "Do you really think--"

"I'll be his tutor." Justin spoke, cutting me off entirely. "Justin! That's so generous of you. Are you sure?"

"Yeah, are you sure about this?"

Justin Bieber (Radcliffe)

"Yes! I can't stand by and watch Daniel throw his entire education away." I confidently answer. "I knew I made the right decision when I hired you. How does this sound, Jason? Do you think Cecilia will agree to this?" Shit. I forgot about Cecilia.

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