The Radcliffe's

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"Nice to see you come home. Now, tell me Justin. How was your weekend away with the West Sider?" Richard boomed as soon as Justin's leg stepped into the room. "It wasn't-" Justin went to answer, but was cut off by the towering mans voice. 

"Shut the hell up! I don't want to hear anymore of your lies. Do you know how embarrassing this is for me? Do you know how this looks? You would rather spend your time with Upper West Side trash, than your own husband. Are you deranged or just an idiot? Do you really think someone like him can give you what you want? Do you know why I chose you, Justin?"

Justin couldn't bring himself to reply as Richard's voice softened. It was like he was trying to break the boy, as if he had anymore pieces of himself to give. He knew his voice would come out shaky and weak, so he shakes head and glanced down.

"Your mother said with a little tough love, you would be the perfect husband. She said you were smart, and just as beautiful on the inside as you are on the out. But I can see now, how clearly wrong she was. I would say all you're good for is lying on your back, but I have to force you to touch me! Is that why Jason is so infatuated with you? Because you're fucking him like the slutty dog that you are?"

"No, we're not."

"I said shut up! You will speak only when I allow you to speak. Now, you have left me no choice. You clearly aren't getting the message so I'm taking things into my own hands. Changes will be made around here. First, you will not leave the house unless it's with me. You will stop dressing like a dirty prostitute.  And you can say good bye to Jason, forever. If I have to tell you again, I will get both of you out of the way. Once and for all. Understood?"

The boy stayed quiet. "Let me make this clear, Justin. I will strangle you with my own bare hands before I ever let you go. And that's not a threat, darling. It's a promise."

Justin's built up tears flowed, as he cowered his head to the floor. Richard rolls his eyes. "Oh, and I was thinking. Since you can't follow simple directions, you aren't capable of taking care of a pet. So I let your stupid cat out. I'm sure they're better off living in the streets anyways."

A rage crept inside of Justin, quickly coursing through his body. His blood boiled. Richard could be mad at Justin all he wants, but Justin was furious as to how he brought Panni into this. Richard crossed a line. 

"How dare you! Panni is the only thing that makes living with you bearable!" Justin spat, his palm crashing into Richard's cheek. The man stumbled back onto his desk, the vase sliding off and shattering against the wooden floors. 

He chuckled lowly. "Foolish bitch." 

And in one punch, everything went dark for Justin. Knocked to the ground, a loud ringing noise stirring as his body went paralyzed. A deep wicked voice yelling at him. 




Justin used to think that's all he was. Until he met a man whom showed him more. So, instead of focusing on the pain, Justin let his mind drift away. To the wonderful and beautiful world where Jason and him have finally found their happily ever after.


"Panni! Panni! Excuse me? Have you seen a little white cat?"  Justin has been looking for Panni for hours. He felt so defeated. So lost. And the little creature that roamed the halls of the penthouse was one of the only things that helped him. He didn't know what to do, to the point where he collapsed to his knees in the middle of the street.

Jason McCann

 I decided to stop by Justin's place today. He left without saying goodbye, and wasn't answering my calls. I was worried. I knew that the boy would be upset for him coming over unannounced. 

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