Love Story Part 3

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Seeing all of this made Mbali to
begin to swim in the river of
confusion.. She knew that something
was about to happen..
Musa : (stummering) Hey.. Hey
Bonnie... This is Mbali. Mbali, meet
Bonnie, a friend of mine.
Bonnie : Nxla ska batla go ntena ntate!!
How could you leave me alone at
your house claiming that you have
an important meeting to attend to?
Is this the meeting you were talking
Musa : But. . . .
Bonnie : Shut up! What if your wife
found me there? What if she killed
me? Or what if she called cops? How
could you Musa..
Mbali : (Interrupts) You know what!!
I gat to go! I really dnt have time for
Shit! *as she stands up*
Musa : Mbali let me explain. . . .
Mbali : explain what muhf***er??
You lied to me! From now on dnt
dare try to call me and please dnt
even bother to come at my place if
you dnt want any more trouble... I
hope that you still remember how
arrogant i can be. Amma break those
balls out of you if you could dare.
The waitress comes from the other
side with Mbali and Musa's breakfast
Waitress : Mam, heres your order.
Mbali : NO AM FINE!! *as she walks
Musa looks at Mbali as she walks
out of the resturant until a taxi
picks her up..
Musa : But Bonnie, just tell me why
you had to ruin things for me.. Why
Bonnie : So thats how you rolling
Musa? How many more girls are you
f**king around with that i do not
know? Atleast now i know that its
her, me and your wife..
Musa : *Angrily, he turned back and
slapped her*
Bonnie : Huhhhhhhhhh!! How could
you. . . *slaps him back*
Musa : You know what bitch! Get
out of my life please. I dnt need you
anymore.. If you are going to come
to my place again, i'l leave you with
my boys to deal with you. *as he
walks away*
Bonnie : But babe you know that we
have memories together right! Dnt
forget that theres your wife! I'l bite
your back through her if you dnt
behave. Love you!
Musa : whatever. . . *as he shuts
down the resturant door*
A taxi drops off Mbali at her house
and she finds her sister preparing
breakfast for herself.
Sister : you back already?
Mbali : Yeahh. . . *as she walks
straight to her room*
Sister : Tjoo! Someone is not in a
good mood ey..
Mbali was now out of her mind and
totally confused by life.. Life was not
going according to her plans.. She
thought for a while about what her
friends said to her.. Questions with
no answers started flowing in her
mind.. The good side of life was far
away from where she was..
Mbali : (Talking to herself) So thats
how it gets when i finally try to
change to being a good person? The
life that i lived before was full of fun
and joy than the life i am trying to
live now.. Everything was provided
and no one had to be hurt. Maybe i
should get back to my roots.. Thats
the only way i wont get stress and
thats where i could find my comfort..
My friends were . . .
Shes disturbed from her thoughts by
her ringing phone..
*tsirrr-tsrirrrr, tsirrr-tsirrr*
Mbali : *picks up the phone*. Am
really sorry..........

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