Love Story Part 9

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The next day it was all over the
newspapers that one of the senior
officers in one of the biggest
companies in the country is
incasirated(imprisoned) for raping
and stabbing his ex. The news were
viral all over the city.
(As usual Bonnie was at her saloon
when some of her customers started
a conversation concerning this viral
issue all over the media)
Customer 1 : Did you read what the
newspapers wrote about one of the
the senior officials at KayLow Works?
Customer 2 : You mean Musa
Customer 1 : Yes that one! Its a
shame to the company now.
Customer 2 : yeah neh. He was not
suppose to be involved in such
things especially that he is a
married man! Men of nowadays aint
loyal at all
Bonnie : (She couldn't get exactly
what they were talking about and
she interrupts) What exactly
Customer 1 : Yhooo! You ddnt hear
that he raped one of his ex's and
stabbed her seven times before
disappearing into thin air.
Fortunately, the police found his
glasses at the scene which linked
him to the rape.
Customer 2 : Yes! And he denied
that it was not him but the police
ddnt find his glasses at his house
after searching his place.
Bonnie : (Very anxious) So where is
he now?
Customer 2 : He is locked up in jail
right now while he is still awaiting
for the police to finish their
investigations then take him to
Bonnie : (with that evil voice) Serves
him right!
(They all blusted with laughter)
Its in the afternoon during visiting
hours, Mbali's friends and her sister
visits her at the hospital. When they
got into the room, they found her
widely awaken as if she was
expecting them.
Sister : (Holds Mbali's hand).. My
sister, am really sorry about what
happened to you. Be strong, God
will be there for you all the way.
(They started singing for Mbali then
took a short prayer as usual, yet
Mbali ddnt say a word)
Pearl : Atleast you are recovering my
Tsogo : Yeah she looks much better
today. I just hope that she'l be fully
recovered soon.
Pearl : Yeah. The police have locked
up Musa since they now have
incontestable proof that its him.
Tsogo : Serves him right! I was really
naive to trust him the first time i
saw him with Mbali at the club!
Mbali : (She really pushed hard and
tried to say something but her
situation ddnt allow her to do that.
She cried so hard that even her
blood pressure rose up until a
doctor was called to attend her)
Bonnie got home in the evening and
threw herself on the bed. She took a
deep thought About what she heard
earlier on at the saloon. Something
clicked on her mind! She quickly
grabbed her car keys, got into the
car and headed to the Northern part
of the city.
Meanwhile at the police station, a
police officer unlocked Musa's cell.
Police : Mr Nhlabathi, we taking you
to the senior commander's office.
There is someone there who payed
you a visit.
(As the police officer walked Musa to
the senior commander's office,
questions with no answers started to
run in his mind. He just couldn't
think of who that person could be
and why he/she checked on him.
They got to the office and when
Musa rose his eyes, he found out
that it was Bonnie!)
Musa : Sir, return me back to the
cell. I really dnt have time for this.
Bonnie : Musa wait! Just sit down
and hear what i have to say.
Musa : (He sat down and looked
straight into Bonnie's eyes). Your
two minutes starts now.
Bonnie : I think that I can help you
get out of this....................

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