Love Story Part 4

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Mbali : *picks up the phone* Am
really sorry to say this to you, am
not in the mood now... Can you
please call me later.
Caller : Shem.. What happened
Mbali : No i dnt want to talk about
it now.. Please call me later.
Caller : Mbali come on big girl..
is a big party on Friday down the
street tsalfriend.. You really dnt
have to miss that one, only if that
chubby boyfriend of yours agrees
that you go.. You have two days left
before the party to convience him.
Mbali : Please dnt talk about that
bitch.. I so trusted him, but now . . .
Mxm, lets not talk about it.. So at
what time are we leaving girls??
Caller : Hehe now that's my girl! I'l
call you to tell you about everything,
the attire and staff..
Mbali : ok, will be waiting.. Actually
I cnt wait Pearl! haha. I so miss your
company guys!
Caller : i miss u Mbali! Hope that we
gonna catch up at the party.. Dnt
disappoint us girls!
Mbali : yeah.. I will try not to.. Bye..
Meanwhile at Musa's office, a sweet
melody of a ringing phone wakes
him up from his deep thoughts..
He quickly picks up the phone since
it displayed a private number..
Musa : Hello! Hello!
Caller : Am I talking to Musa
Musa : Yes sir.. How can I help you?
Caller : Sir, there was an accident
which happened last night on the
A1 road from Francistown to
You needto come here at the
hospital to see if its your wife
involved in the accident..
Musa : No sir! It cnt be.. My wife
ddnt tell me that she is visiting
me.. You must have confused her
with someone..
Caller : sir, she had her ID with
her.. You need to come over to
Marina hospital for confirmation..
Musa : Ok sir, I'l be there in a few
He quickly gets out of the work
premises and drives off his car to
the hospital.. On his way he call his
wife's phone.. "The number you have
dialled is not available, please try
again later".. That was the response
he got..
He enters the hospital and finds a
group of police officers by the
hospital gate waiting for him.
Police man : Morning sir.. You must
be Musa Nhlabathi right?
Musa : Yes sir, its me.. *as he gets
of the car*
Police man : *as he leads Musa into
the hospital*. Sir your wife was
involved in an accident in which a
truck collided with car she was in..
Musa : Ohh my God! It cant be sir..
My wife must be at work now.
Policeman : Sir, unfortunetly she was
badly injured but I can assure you
that the doctors are doing all they
can to sustain her life..
Musa : *Still doesn't believe what
he is
hearing and just keeps quiet*
They arrive at the wife's room and
police man leads Musa inside into
the room..
Police man : Is it her sir??
Musa : *He comes closer to the bed
he carefully studies the badly
injured face of the patient lying on
the bed which was fully covered with
Police man : sir , is it her?
Musa : *He keeps quite as he tries
to study carefully the patient's face
which was very ambiguous and not
Policeman : Mr Nhlabathi, is she
your wife?
Musa : I dnt think ...............

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