Love Story Part 16

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The next day, Musa woke up on time
to prepare himself to check on the
doctor. He felt more relaxed and
calm. As he was preparing himself,
he had a few questions that he had
to leave unanswered.
Musa : Now Mbali is fine but did
she really forgive me for what
happened at the resturant? Should i
go ahead and ask for absolution?
And Bonnie, will she give up on me?
Will she go for revenge? Am i safe
now? Ok let me finish up , i have to
see that doctor on time.
(After taking his breakfast, Musa
headed to the hospital and on his
way he bought a bunch of red
flowers in one of the expensive
shops for his wife)
Bonolo and her parents had just
arrived at the hospital to take Mbali
home since she had to be
discharged. They got to her room
where they found the doctor giving
Mbali her medication.
Mother : morning doctor.
Doctor : morning everyone.
Father : Is she fine now to go home.
Doctor : Yes she is. But we would
like you to bring her to the hospital
sometimes for further tests.
Father : Tests! What tests doctor?
Doctor : We have to do some blood
tests to check whether the culprit
infected her with Sexually
transmitted diseases or not.
Father : Ok sir, we will do that .
Doctor : Ok let me go do some paper
work before i release her. I'l be back
(As he leaves the room)
Mother : Am really happy that finally
she is going home.
Bonolo : So that guy Musa, you still
into him?
Mbali : (Reluctantly) Ohh no ways!
Bonolo : I can see the truth through
your eyes.
Mbali : haha....
Bonolo : Mmmm! He is such a
gentleman. The first time i saw him,
our first touch just made me love
him and wish that he could....
Mother : (Interrupts) Bonolo!
Bonolo : Am sorry mom. Its just that
yesterday when i saw him, i loved
Mbali : (Angrily looks at Bonolo)
Bonolo : Ok sorry..
Father : Am really happy today.
When we get home we should
prepare lunch to welcome her back
home. All her friends should be
unvited including Musa. You have all
their numbers, including Musa's,
Mbali : Haha yes pa!
Bonolo : High five dad! Musa should
be there!
Mother : As soon as we get out of
the hospital, we take Mbali home
then go out for shopping. We have
to make it look more than just a
Musa got into the hospital and took
the flowers with him. He went
straight to the reception area)
Musa : Hellow mam.
Receptionist : Morning sir. Can i
help you?
Musa : yes. I came to see Doctor
Receptionist : You had an
appointment with him? (As she goes
through the visitor's book)
Musa : No mam. He had something
to discuss with me about my wife
who has been in the hospital for the
past weeks.
Receptionist : Ok sir. Let me call him
( Calls the doctor).. Doctor Seth,
there is a man here who wants to
see you concerning his wife.
Doctor : Ohh that one. Please let
him come to my office.
Receptionist : Ok doctor. (Hangs up).
Sir, Dr Seth said you can check on
him at his office now.
Musa : thank you mam.
(Musa went upstairs to the doctor's
office. When he got there, he
knocked once and got inside)
Musa : (with a smile) morning
Doctor : Morning sir. You look much
better today.
Musa : Yes i am doctor.
Doctor : Ok Mr Nhlabathi. Like i said,
i have something to tell you about
your wife.
Musa : Ok am listening sir.
Doctor : Mr Nhlabathi, when your
wife got here, she was pregnant. Six
months pregnant.
Musa : (jumps) hehe what! So am a
father to be? We'v been trying for a
baby for so long. Finally she is
Doctor : She is not pregnant
anymore and you're a father now.
Musa : What do you mean doctor?
Doctor : Due to her situation, she
had to give birth before time.
Musa : Woow thats good news
doctor. So where are they? Can i see
my family now? I even brought
flowers with me.
Doctor : (Sympathetically looked at
Musa) Am sorry sir, your wife ddnt
make it.
Musa : Doctor what do you mean? Is
she dead? And what about the
Doctor : Please calm down Mr
Nhlabathi. The baby is in the
incubator now, your wife passed
away a few days after giving birth.
Musa : (Throws away the flowers
that he brought for the wife)
Doctor : Am really sorry about what
happened sir.
Musa : (Shuts down the office door
as he walks out. He passes by
Mbali's room and Bonolo saw hin
then went out after him)
Bonolo : Musa! Musa!
Musa : (Stops for Bonolo and
pretends that everything was fine)
Sorry i ddnt hear you.
Bonolo : Whats wrong? Are you fine?
Musa : Yes i am fine.
Bonolo : you not fine. I thought you
said you'l pass by to check on Mbali
Musa: Sorry, i totally forgot. (As
tears starts rolling down his face)
Bonolo : (As she wipes his tears
away) I told you that you not fine.
Musa : Am fine. Its nothing to worry
about. I'l be ok.
Bonolo : Ok sweet thing. We have a
lunch today at home to welcome
back Mbali since she has been
discharged. You are invited ok.
Musa : Ok i'l be there. I have to go
Bonolo : Please be there. We will
call you before the lunch.
Musa : Ok. (As he gets in his car and
heads home)
Bonolo : (She returned back to
Mbali's room to help pack her staff).
(Mbali was discharged and they took
her home so that they could start
preparing lunch for her. The mother
went out for shopping and Bonolo
had to call all Mbali's friends to
invite them including Musa. She
called all Mbali's friends and they
all accpted the invitation. She then
called Musa.)
Musa : hellow.
Bonolo : Yes its me Bonolo. I hope
that you done now.
Musa : No am not. I'v just woke up
Bonolo : What! Did you iron your
Musa : No! Not even to take a bath.
Bonolo : Ok how about i come to
your place to help you with the
ironing while you take a bath. So
where do you stay?
Musa : Down the street. House
number 456
Bonolo : I ddnt know that you stay
on the same street with us. Ok let
me walk there. (hangs up)
(Bonolo walked to Musa's house and
when she got there, the door was
not closed so she went straight into
the house where she found Musa's
trouser together with his shirt on
the ironing board. She then started
ironing while Musa was bathing)

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