Love Story Part 12

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Mbali : I think Musa is not the
culprit. Even if it was too dark to see
who raped me, I dont think its him.
Bonolo : But Mbali...
Mbali : (cuts her) No Bonolo! Musa
is innocent.
Bonolo : The way Musa is being
defended while its clear that he is
the culprit, annoys me! Its
incontestable that its him since he
failed to hand over the glasses to
the police.
Mbali : About the glasses, ofcourse
he has the same ones as those
found at the scene. Last time when
we broke up the restaurant he was
putting on them.
Bonolo : Exactly! Now where are
they? I still believe that they are the
ones found at the scene. Musa is
the one who did all the rapping!!
Wake up Mbali, he nearly finished
you off!!
Mbali : No it can't be him! Please
call the police, i want to let them
know that am feeling better today. I
can help them now with the
Mother : Mbali my daughter you
need to rest. You are not completely
fit especially that you'l be dealing
with a very emotional case which
might even make your blood
pressure go up again. I don't want
to lose you Mbali.
Mbali : Come on guys! Am better,
actually am fine now! Call the police
for me please.
Bonolo : (Calls the police
investigating Mbali's case and gives
her the phone)
Mbali : Hellow! Is it the police? Its
Police : Yes mam, its the police. We
happy that you back now Mbali.
Mbali : Yes sir, am feeling much
better. About the investigations,
whats your findings so far?
Police : We didn't find anything
much, Mr Nhlabathi is still our
suspect since the glasses found at
the scene linked him to the rape.
Mbali : Officer its not him! Musa is
Police : What! Why are you saying he
is innocent while he failed to hand
over his glasses to the police?
Mbali : Ofcourse he failed to show
his glasses but I don't think its him.
Police : Then Who do you suspect
Mbali : I know someone who has the
same glasses as Musa's. I think its
that guy not Musa.
Police : Mbali we will come there in
the evening so that you could help
us catch the culprit.
Mbali : Ok sir. I will be waiting for
you patiently.
Police : Thank you Mbali. I will call
when am on my way there. (Hangs
(After the call, everyone in the room
was left in a conundrum. All of them
asked themselves who that culprit
could be since Musa was counted
out according to what Mbali has
been telling the police)
Bonolo : Mbali, now who do you
suspect to be the culprit?
Mbali : (Looks at her sister's worried
face) I need to rest now Bonolo.
Soon you will find out.
Mother : I think she's right Bonolo.
She needs to get a rest before the
police come to investigate her in the
evening. Since the police will call
Mbali on Bonolo's phone, when they
do we will come to the hospital
together with them.
Bonolo : ok mom. I guess you right,
she needs a rest. I'l see you later.
(Kisses her sister's forehead)
Father : we will come with the police
in the evening as soon as they call
Bonolo. We love you Mbali.
(As they all left the room to angle
back home while Mbali takes a nap)
In the evening, as usual Bonnie
closed her saloon and discharged
her employees to go home. She
passes through the bank to drop off
the money she made for the day
before she went home. On her way,
she thought about what she
promised Musa a few days ago, to
pay him a visit. She got home and
took a shower then headed to the
police station. At the police station,
she waited for Musa at the
commander's office as usual. A
couple of minutes later, an officer
walked into the office with Musa and
Musa sits opposite Bonnie.
Musa : I'v been waiting for you
Bonnie. Sometimes i'd even think
that you totally forgot about me.
Bonnie : How could i forget about my
hunny? I hope that you thought
about it ey. The marriage.
Musa : Yes i did. And am in. I'l
marry you Bonnie if you help set me
Bonnie : Now you talking. I have the
glasses in my hand bag.
Musa : Thank you. I just hope that
you not playing mind games with
me. Let me let the officer know so
that he calls the commander
investigating Mbali's case. (He called
the officer he walked in with and
told him everything)
Officer : The commander left half an
hour ago, they must be at the
hospital now since Mbali called
earlier on that she's fine and would
like to help with the investigations.
Bonnie : Maybe you should call him
Bonolo receives a call from the
commander who said he was on his
way to the hospital. Bonolo and her
parents rushed to the hospital to
meet the commander together with
Bonnie for the investigations. They
all got to the hospital at the same
time and went on to Mbali's room
with the commander.... They got
there and found Mbali taking her
Commander : Evening Mbali. So lets
not waste time and tell us the
Mbali : I think its. . . . . . . . .

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