Chapter 6: Growing in Power

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It was the day after the preliminaries and Shinsei was on his way to his usual training spot, however thoughts clouded his mind.

Shinsei: 'I hope I won't have to face Sasuke, he is the biggest threat since he knows most of my techniques from our training together. However, the same can be said for him. If I want to beat him I'm going to have to get a lot stronger. The same goes for everyone else especially Gaara, I need to get stronger if I want to win this.'

As Shinsei is walking he notices Sasuke.

Shinsei: 'Wait shouldn't he be in the hospital right now?

Shinsei: "Hey Sasuke, where are you headed?"

Sasuke: "Oh Shinsei, it's you. I was going to ask Kakashi-sensei to train me. I saw how strong Naruto has gotten so I need to get stronger too, I'm not going to let him pass me."

Shinsei: "Well count me in, I can't have you getting stronger than me now can I."

Sasuke with a slight grin motioned for Shinsei to follow him.


We cut to Kakashi climbing a rockface with one hand tied behind his back. When he reaches the top both Shinsei and Sasuke are seen waiting for him. Both sides stare at each other  in silence, until Sasuke decides to break it.

Sasuke: "Kakashi I need you to make me stronger. Naruto has grown stronger and I don't want to fall behind. I have a goal I wish to achieve and I need power to achieve it."

Kakashi: "What about you Shinsei?"

Shinsei: "I have to grow stronger so I can win this tournament, if I don't then I won't be able to achieve my goals."

Kakashi: "Okay then. Do you two both know about the change in chakra nature of the five types of chakra?"

Shinsei & Sasuke: "Yeah."

Kakashi: "The Uchiha Clan possess the Fire Nature and specializes in the Fire Style."

Sasuke: "So why are you bringing this up now?"

Kakashi: "There are superior shinobi who possess more than two change in chakra natures. My change in chakra nature is lightning. Since I met you both I have sensed that you are both similar to me. I want to verify what your change in chakra natures are."

Kakashi then hands a slip of paper to both Shinsei and Sasuke. They both placed the paper between their pointer and middle finger, suddenly the paper scrunched up.

Kakashi: "I may be able to pass on my jutsu to you Sasuke. The one-of-a-kind jutsu of Kakashi the Copy Ninja. However, Shinsei this jutsu will only work for those with a Sharingan due to it's nature..."

Before Kakashi could utter another word Shinsei flashed his Sharingan at Kakashi. Although neither Shinsei or Sasuke could see it a small smile formed on Kakashi's face.

Kakashi: "I stand corrected, let's get to work you two."

Hey guys sorry this isn't a longer chapter, however the juicy bits of this arc are coming up. Since my schedule will be freed up next week this shouldn't take as long to write the next one. So, I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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