Sam Nook (Part 1/2)

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Summary: Awsomedude and Tommy building the hotel and other shit, kinda hard to explain sorry
TW: None(?)
Category: Slight Fluff and little to no angst
No ones POV
Tommy runs around picking up leaves and wood up off the ground as they pass, without a care in the world.

His Hotel was going along nicely, with the help of Sam Nook, his new found companion.  As Tommy continues walking he finds himself becoming blissfully unaware of the world around him. He recognized this, although he made no was act made to stop. The feeling felt nice to the boy.

Placing down the materials he collected, he looks up at his new friend. Even though it has only been a week since they had became friends, Tommy believed that this friendship was the best he has ever had, better than Tubbo's, and maybe even better than his families.

Tommy's POV

"Hey Sam Nook! I've got the materials, are we going to finish this build up or what?" I said with a grin

"Go ahead and start with the base, I've got some things i need to do before helping you" Sam Nook exclaimed.

"Okay!" I walk off to the platform of the Hotelinnit, placing down the base of the hotel.

No ones POV

Sam Nook walked off to a forest before taking out a mask, a creeper mask. He then strapped it onto his face and taking off his Sam Nook outfit. He then continued walking through the forest until he found what he was looking for.

A big obsidian box, which houses the most feared and powerful person on the SMP.

The green blob himself, Dream. His prison cell had to be specially built so he wouldn't get out.

Once Sam entered the cell he tosses some potatoes to the blob. Yes, blob, Dream isn't like any normal human being. No, Dream is a 2 inch, smiley, white blob.

Dream happily waddled over to the potatoes and began to eat.

"Hey Sam" Dream said.

"Hello Dream." Sam replied from the other side of the barer. "I'm planning on making your food automatic" Sam said as he looks down at the now upset blob.

"But then who will i talk to?"

"Just because your food will be automated doesn't mean i will stop visiting. I still have to check in to make sure you haven't broken out." Sam replies.

This made the blob smile mechanically "oh you won't let me out? It's pretty boring in here, i think I'm going to loose my mind if i stay here much longer."

"No. Absolutely not. First of all, you've broken Tommy beyond repair, which i might add is your fault. Second, you're already insane as it is and i don't think you could get any more insane. Plus if i let you out we both know what would happen." The mask man said as he glared at the blob. "I'll be going now. Don't do anything stupid."

And with that Sam left back into the woods where he took off his mask and put on his Sam Nook outfit back on.

While hurrying back to the building he spotted a familiar ghostly man walking somberly through the woods

"Hey Ghostbur, how are you doing?" Sam Nook says as he walks over to the ghost

"I'm doing good, how's Tommy doing?" Ghostbur responded.

"Better than before, do you want to join us? We're making a hotel and wouldn't mind if you'd help out."

"Oh no, I can't, I'm meeting up with Phil,
but I'm free tomorrow!" Ghostbur mumbled sadder before piping up.

Sam Nook nodded "well then I'll see you tomorrow Ghostbur, bye" Sam Nook then waved "Goodbye" to Ghostbur

"Bye Sam! Tell Tommy i said hi!" Ghostbur waves back before walking away.

"Will do!" Sam Nook says back.

When Sam Nook reaches Tommy he looks through chests and picks out items he'll need to help as he greets him

He hums as he pillars up to meet Tommy. "This is good for now Tommy, take a break for a bit" Sam Nook comments

Tommy smiles down at him and climbs down the building.

"Don't worry, I'll finish up for you." Sam Nook said as he began placing wood where needed.

"Alright Sam Nook, be careful." Tommy replies walking away to wherever Tubbo was.

~•751 words•~
This isn't over yet but I really needed to get a part out also i have no motivation to continue ;—; part two will be out in a few days

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