Awsamdude locks Eret in the prison part 2/3

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Summary: Awsamdude locks Eret in the prison and Techno wants to help her (Part 2)

Category: Angst/Fluff

TW: Swearing, Violence, Crying, Panic Attacks/hyperventilating, Starvation(?)

Extra notes: All pronouns for Eret, Awsamdude is a bitch, GeorgeNotFound is the king


Eret shivered again, cold seeping into their bones with nothing but the thin jumpsuit to protect him against the chill. They had managed to uncap and finish off the water Techno had left for her a few (days? Hours? Weeks?) ago, but even that took an enormous amount of effort. They were starving, and although their hybrid status made it so they could go quite a while without food or water, they could still feel the hunger gnawing at their stomach and throat.

The light was so bright, it hurt even with their eyes closed, shattered emotional state not helping. They're mental state was deteriorating rapidly, especially after Techno left. It hurt to breathe due to how dry their throat was, and a few days ago they had actually coughed up blood during a panic attack. She hated it here, that was for sure.

Quiet voices outside brought them back from their train of thought, and he strained to try and hear who it was. The door creaked open and Eret felt a twinge of fear, unable to suppress a flinch at the loud noise. They could hear quiet footsteps and hitched breathing as someone rushed to their side, flinching badly as the person wrapped a feathery wing around them. A gentle hand started combing through their hair, quiet whispers of reassurance filling their ears. The person seemed vaguely familiar, and it took their hazy brain a concerning amount of time to recognize Phil.

They almost sobbed in relief at the familiar avian, but stopped themselves. Every breath hurt, and they didn't want to make it worse by breathing harder than they needed to. A small whimper escaped their throat as they immediately regretted it, coughing up a small amount of blood. Phil only hugged her tighter, and she leaned into the embrace.

A few minutes later she could feel themself being pulled up into Phil's arms, unable to find the urge to protest as he carried them to the door. It felt weird to be out of the curled-up position, bright light hitting Eret's eyelids mercilessly. They let out a small pained noise, Phil seeming to get what was wrong and placing a dark wing over her face. He relaxed slightly in the darkness, still curled up as their tense muscles screamed in protest.

Muffled arguing met their ears, and they flinched back at Sam's voice. Sam always turned up the brightness whenever he entered their room, making their eyes water even as they were covered.

After a few minutes of arguing and an annoyed sigh from Sam, Phil continued through the door. It was so warm inside Phil's wings, a stark contrast to the cold of the prison, and Eret resisted the urge to fall asleep. Tiny tidbits of conversation met their ears, but they were too tired and out of it to care.

The familiar whooping of a nether portal came into earshot, and he only had a second to prepare before they entered. Eret never liked the feeling of nether portals, but it was somehow a thousand times worse now. They felt extremely nauseous as they were spat out of the portal, only barely managing to keep from throwing up. However, when they went through the second portal, they couldn't keep it in, and ended up dry heaving splatters of blood onto his jumpsuit and Phil's shirt. He tried to mumble an apology, but it only came out as a quiet wheeze.

A pair of familiar sunglasses were slid into her face as the wing was removed, and she inwardly smiled at the familiar feeling. Phil held them closer to his chest as his wings stretched to their fullest length, and Eret only had a second to realize what was going on before the duo launched into the air. They instinctively shrieked, but it only came out as a sharp inhale, their scratchy throat protesting. They had always been afraid of flying, much preferring to use the wooden paths instead of one of their channeling triedents. She instinctively reached to claw at her upper arms, before Phil's hands gently pried them away.

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