CatBoo (Aka CatHybrid!Ranboo)

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Summary: Ranboo is a cat hybrid. And as you know, cats are basically a liquid (they can fit into pretty much anything) and Ranboo has two different situations where Techo/Phil find him napping in a small area

Category: Fluff

TW: None this time

Extra Notes: Both Techno and Phil already know Ranboo is a Cat/EnderMan Hybrid, Ranboo recently had a embarrassing situation with his Cat Instincts (I'll make a chapter on it soon), And Ranboo uses They/Them pronouns
———————————————————After a recent embarrassing situation of losing himself to his cat instincts, Ranboo tried to close theirself off. Unluckily for him, Techno and Phil wouldn't let him close himself off and continued encouraging him to be comfortable with his mob sides. They soon found out the next thing one day when Techno needed him. He went to Ranboo's house, expecting to find them being productive but instead they were nowhere to be seen. Techno was confused, he hadn't seen them leave their house today.

"Ranboo?" Techno called out into the seemingly empty house. No answer. Techno tried again and received a slight shuffle sound from a chest.

His ears perked up and he made his way to the chest. It was a single chest so Techno assumed that perhaps a cat had fallen into it and the lid closed behind. Tentatively, he opened the lid. He quickly dropped the lid and scrambled back, letting out a confused 'heh.'

"What the hell...?" Techno whispered as he went back to the chest. He opened the lid again, hoping his eyes were deceiving him.

They were not. Ranboo was curled up in the small box. The almost 9'6 foot tall enderman was curled up in a small single chest. Techno poked him, causing Ranboo to stir.

"Huh?" Ranboo said groggily, lifting their head up and blinking sleep from their eyes.

"Why were you asleep in a box" Techno cut right through the chase, just wanting answers.

Seemingly to just become aware of their surroundings, Ranboo quickly stood up and stepped out of the box. "Oh, I guess it just looked comfortable?" Ranboo scratched the back of their neck.

"Okay, whatever, that's fine, but how the heck did you fit in the box?"

"I just kind of do?" Ranboo shrugged "Endermen don't have spines so I guess that explains it?"

Techno looked horrified to learn that Ranboo has no spine but accepted it and moved on.

- - - - - - -

The next time someone found Ranboo in an unnatural spot was a week later. Philza had been doing work outside, trying to expand the wheat farm better. Finally frustrated with constant failure, Phil resigned himself to going inside. While going inside Phil shaked his wings to remove the snow collected on them. He removed his coat and kicked off his shoes, kicking them under the half slab they are usually kept under. He didn't expect to hear a quiet 'oof' as the shoes came bouncing back. Philza spotted Ranboo's tail from the side of the half slab as Ranboo poked their head out from under it.

"Hey, Phil!" Ranboo greeted as if being able to fit under a slab was a normal occurrence.

"Hey Ranboo... What are you doing, mate?" Phil asked, still confused.

"Just having a nap" Ranboo scrambled off the floor.

"Under the slab?"

"Under the slab"

"May I ask why?" At this point, Philza was slightly amused.

"It just felt right?" Ranboo blushed slightly "I saw it and thought 'man I won't fit there' and then I went and did it anyways."

"Makes sense"

"Really!?" Ranboo was surprised someone thought it did make sense.

"I mean yeah, cats are liquid and like to sleep in random places so you do too." Philza's tone was teasing as Ranboo laughed a little at the joke.

"Oh no! I'm becoming the one thing I fear most!" Ranboo dramatically slid down the wall to the floor, the back of their hand on their forehead. "Whatever shall I do Mr. Minecraft?!?" Ranboo half yelled In between laughs.

This was short compared to the other chapters, sorry.

MCYT OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora