Little!Wilbur CG!SBI

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Summary: The SBI is going on a road trip to the beach, on the way there Wilbur regresses and the SBI take care of him

Category: Fluff

CW(Content Warning): Ageregression

Extra notes: Mumza (aka Kristin) is there too!

Loading into Phil's car, and squishing in between copious amount of bags, Wilbur knew his headspace was inching to come out today.

Wilbur knew him regressing was bound to happen, (their meet-up lasting 4 weeks, he knew he wouldn't be able to hold out for that long,) but out of all times, why now?

Regressing on stream, would be much much worse, he did make note. Though, on their way to film a vlog at the beach, the public beach, no less, Wilbur Soot was not going to go down without a fight.

Yes, everyone has reassured enough times that it was okay for him to regress, at least enough to let it sink in. Either way, the man was set on staying big until the drive back home to Phil's.

He wasn't aware of how over his head he was until he truly realized how long the ride would be. He sat in between Techno and Tommy in the back. Phil in the drivers' seat, Kristin in the passenger's, and reluctantly, Wilbur is sat in the middle, due to Tommy's very persuasive complaining.

Wilbur opts on staying quiet, letting the teen beside him do most of the entertainment, as he normally takes care of. The bouncing in his leg and the slightest fog in his head was manageable so far. And so far, he was confident he would get through the day without slipping. Sure, he hasn't checked his phone in awhile, unbeknownst to the fact it's only been 20 minutes into a 2 hour ride, but as long as he's confident, right?

He thought he had a handle on it, the excitement in the voices next to him, the cheery music playing in the background, the pretty landscapes they passed by, all of it. His little headspace practically begging to make an appearance, but he kept it at bay.

That was until Tommy got ahold of the aux cord.

You'd think Wilbur, the literal musician of the group, would be desensitized to music being played on full-blast, but for his current on-edge state just proved him all the more wrong. The boy went through an assortment of songs, playing at least 5 seconds of 7 songs, getting an assortment of "Tommy, please, no," as he snickers away, only to settle on, of course, Roadtrip by Dream.

"I know him! I know the guy!" He cackles into the camera he's holding, getting a couple shots of Techno shaking his head and Phil and Kristin glancing at each other in pseudo disappointment.

Don't get him wrong, the brunette's had his fair share advocating for the song, but after listening to the song for 15 minutes on repeat, with Tommy screlting at the top of his lungs, loud enough to wake up a neighbourhood, the fuzziness was only wrapping around him even tighter.

Wilbur didn't know when the car started spinning, or when the details of the bags on top of him started to blur, or when his hands looked so small yet so large at the same time. He weakly whimpers, turning to his side, hiding between a duffle bag above him and Techno's shoulder.

Luckily for his sake, Phil has been watching the man from the rear-view mirror. The traffic working in his favour for once, he notices the clear change in Wilbur's mood. He was curling in on himself, a sign Phil picked up to know the other was regressing. Not to mention the hands over his ears, which in his defence, is fair, he was getting tired of the music as well.

He manages to get Techno's attention, gesturing to the man beside him. He looks over, unaware of Wilbur's behaviour. Techno mentally facepalms, not recognizing the signs as a regressor himself. He brings a hand over, rubbing the older's back.

"Hey, Wil, what's going on, bubba?"

He asks gently enough, hoping it doesn't startle the boy. Thankfully, he gets a response, barely a above a whisper, "Loud. Ears hurt."

"That's no good!" Techno clears his throat, giving Tommy an appropriate death glare, who has been observing, just catching up to speed on what's happening. His head drops sheepishly, instantly tending to the music on his phone, shutting it down and turning off the camera.

Once that has been dealt with, the teen shifts closer to Wil, (as if there was space to shift closer to, but you get the gist,) carding his hand through his soft curls, knowing it soothing for anyone.

"Does anyone know where Wilbur's little things are?" Techno calls out before pressing a kiss on the regressor's forehead. His hands are still glued to his ears, trembling slightly now.

"They should be in the red backpack." Kristin turns over her shoulder, pointing towards the bag behind the seats. As Techno reaches over, Wilbur whines at the lack of contact. He turns, promptly slotting himself between Tommy's arms.

"Hiya, kid," Tommy reluctantly embracing him, still feeling bad about the music. He looks at Phil who's still watching through the rear-view mirror, giving him a knowing look.

"Sorry about hurting your ears, dumb ol' Toms didn't realize it wouldn't be so nice for other people." He chuckles softly, seeing the other people's reactions.

Wilbur blinks up at him with big eyes. He doesn't say anything back but bury his head into the crook of Tommy's neck. Tommy's heart warms, gently rubbing circles on the other's back.

"Got the backpack." Tech rummages through the bag as he mouths to Tommy, 'ask him how old he is.'

The blonde proceeds to do just that, but simply gets a defiant shake of the head and incoherent babbles from the boy, shifting in his arms to lean back on Tommy's chest, playing with his fingers. Tommy shrugs, eyeing up to Phil and Kristin for assistance.

The one in the drivers' speaks up, smiling, "Looks to me we've got a teeny one on our hands, now do we?" successfully getting a smile in return, Wilbur nodding back.

"I think we do." Kristin leans over her seat, booping his nose. The regressor giggles, using Tommy's hands he has in his grip to clap for him.

It's safe to say Wilbur's no older than one at the very least, too small for words. Thoroughly digging through the bag, Techno pulls out a white pacifier and a whale stuffed animal.

Once Wil caught sight of the plush toy, he reaches out to Tech without missing a beat. The other chuckles, handing him the whale and waiting patiently until he has a secure hold on it.

"Here, Toms." Tech hands the soother over to Tommy, who thanks him as he slips it between Wilbur's lips. The teen lets his chin rest over his shoulder, watching him babble to his stuffie behind his paci.

The rest of the ride was spent with the car filled with laughs and giggles, and soft lullaby music in the background (at a normal volume this time). Phil and Kristin, one on each of his side, holding his hands, as they all got to the beach. They opted for a more secluded area, thinking it would be too cruel for them to force Wilbur to come out of headspace.

They held off on the vlogging, and just had a wholesome time building sandcastles (watching the regressor very closely, catching him numerous times right before he sticks a fistful of sand into his mouth) and cuddling by a mini bonfire they created as the sun goes down.

When it was about time to start heading back, they loaded up the car once again and drove home (with little to no traffic this time,) Wilbur curling up to Tommy with his paci in his mouth and his stuffed whale in his arms and droopy eyes.
~•1365 words•~
Although i ended up slipping while writing this(yes i have ageregession) this was a really fun chapter to write! And honestly im proud of it

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