DropsByPonk and AwesomeDude

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Summary: Ponk gets sick and Sam takes care of him for the day

TW: Throwing up

Category: Fluff

Editing me here; Hey there, this is a kind of cringy chapter in my opinion, i'm not going to be taking this chapter down though, because some people might still like the chapter.
I also have a slight request, could you leave me some critique at the end of the chapter so i can learn how to make better chapters (because i think im not that good at it)
No ones POV.

When Ponk opened his eyes this morning, the last thing he expected to see was his boyfriend sitting on the bed in front of him with his eyebrows furrowed.

The brunette cocked his own eyebrow at his lover "what are y- 'ACHOO'!" Ponk was cut off from his sentence due to sneezing. Ponk's whole body moved due to the force of his sneeze, causing him to become suddenly hyperaware of how badly his head hurt. Ponk felt as if he was being shot in the head with a gun.

"You were really, really hot last night. And i mean temperature wise, because you always hot" Ponk just rolled his eyes and shook his head while grinning in response.

"I took your temperature and it said you had a fever of 102°F (38.8°C). So I'm staying home for the day." green haired man said as he ruffled his boyfriend's hair, kissing his forehead softly.

"Mhm.. finally I'm the one who gets to be babied." Ponk said as he giggled, (i hate the word giggled and i don't know why, so don't expect to see the word "giggled" to often) leaning up to Sam giving him a few butterfly kisses on his cheek, making the taller being to laugh.

"Whatever." Sam said in between laughs. "By the way i made breakfast!"

"Oh no." Ponk said in a half joking tone.

"Oh shut up, I'm a great cook! You can ask Tommy and he'll agree!"

"I'm not looking for the opinion from a child."

Sam didn't answer, instead he looked down at his feet while grumbling to himself. Sam then gets off the bed while pulling Ponk along with him. Ponk started sniffling, trying to get arid of the snot that was running from his nose.

"Ughh, i hate being sick. It's to gross." Ponk said, going to wipe his nose with the sleeve of his hoodie. Sam stoped him before he could, looking pointedly. "Your nose is going to get crusty that way, use a tissue."

While Ponk was going to the bathroom, Sam walked to the kitchen, putting some oatmeal into two bowls for him and Ponk, setting them down onto the kitchen counter with a now proud smile on his face. Sam then grabbed an ice pack from the freezer of the fridge for Ponk's forehead, hoping that would help his fever go down.

When Ponk emerged with a tissue in hand and fuzzy animal slippers (you can pick what animal it is) on his feet. Sam ushered Ponk back into their shared bedroom, helping him lay down on the bed, and then quickly going to get the bowls of oatmeal from the kitchen counter.

"Bone apple teeth!" Sam grinned as he gives Ponk his bowl of oatmeal. Ponk sniffed and blew his nose before taking the bowl. "Sam i feel like i will actually throw up if i eat this." Ponk said, although Sam was to busy getting the ice pack from the kitchen to hear what Ponk had said.

Once Same got back from getting the ice pack he gently places it onto Ponk's forehead with a smile on his face.

"Did you hear me?" Ponk asked.

Sam looked at Ponk with wide puppy-dog eyes. Ponk huffed and crossed his arms. "Can you get me like.. a trash-bag or something? I'm afraid that i might throw up." Sam nodded and off, leaving Ponk with his bowl of oatmeal that had way to much brown sugar in it.

Ponk couldn't help but smile as he watched his lover (i can not express how much i hate typing the word 'lover' and i dOnT kNoW wHy) trip on his own two feet. He adores that man so much, he'd probably even die for him if it came down to it, though Ponk hoped that would never happen.

Sam returned with a cheap trash can and a few blankets so they could watch a movie and cuddle. Sam really didn't mind getting sick if it meant he could spend more time with Ponk.

"Sam! My beloved! Thank you." Ponk clapped his hands happily as Sam set down the bin on the nightstand next to Ponk's side of the bed. Sam then climbed into the bed and plopped down next to Ponk, pulling the darkly colored comforter over their bodies.

When Sam reached his arms out to cuddle Ponk, Ponk snorted. "You can't even wait until I'm finished eating? You're spoiled." But Ponk scooted closer to Sam while making sure that his oatmeal doesn't tip over. Sam then rests his head on Ponk's shoulder.

Sam grabbed the TV remote and began to flip through channels until he found a random rom-com that neither of of then would pay any attention to.

Once Ponk finished eating he put his bowl on his nightstand and rolled over so he could face Sam, who was now pouting because he could no longer lay on Ponk's shoulder. Ponk then pushed Sam so he would lay down. Once Sam laid down Ponk then rested his head on Sam's chest.

"Ponk can we watch Bambi?"


"I'm going to break up with you"

Ponk rolled his eyes and sat up a little bit, digging his elbows into Sam's chest so they could be face to face. The shorter leaned forward a bit and smiled, connecting their lips before quickly pulling away and grabbing the cheap trash bin before dipping his head into it and vomiting.

Sam just sat there dumbfounded, just watching his boyfriend throw up all his internal organs

When Ponk finished he looked over to his nightstand and grabbed a towel to wipe his mouth. While doing so, Sam had noticed that  Ponk was shaking. The green-haired man was then brought back to reality, taking the bin from Ponk and setting it down on the floor. Sam then pulled Ponk into a tight hug, but not too tight because, honestly, Sam didn't want to get vomit on him.

Ponk melted into the embrace and closed his eyes. Eventually he stopped shaking and his breathing was even again.

"M'sorry.." Sam mumbled into his boyfriend's ear, rocking back and forth and rubbing circles into the brunette's back.

"I fucking love you Sam."

"Aw thanks- i mean- i love you too Ponk"
~•1169 Words•~

I managed to get this chapter out early because my school ended a few days early (it ended on the 2nd)
Another chapter will be out tomorrow (maybe)

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