Techno meets Michael

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Summary: Ranboo had forgotten his crown at the  Syndicate meeting. Techno goes to return it to him, and Techno meets Michael (AKA Ranboo and Tubbo's kid)

Category: fluff with slight angst

TW: Blood, fighting,

Extra notes: None

Ranboo had left his crown at the Syndicate meeting, and Techno needed to return it to him. That's the only reason the piglin-hybrid was heading to Snowchester, to return something that Ranboo had lost.

Snowchester was a bit far, but since it was raining it only took a few minutes of trident travel to reach his destination: the bed and breakfast that Ranboo and his (platonic) husband, Tubbo, had built together.

Techno had landed carefully in the front yard, before putting his trident up and grabbing Ranboo's crown out of the bag. It wasn't piglin made, but whoever made it definitely had at least a clue of what they were doing. It was a respectable crown. Not as good as his own, of course, but respectable at the least.

He knocked on the door, and from above he heard Ranboo yell
"Come on in! I'm upstairs!"
So Techno did was he was told and he let himself in and tried to locate a staircase or a ladder.

He scanned the room and quickly found a ladder, and as he started going up it he heard Ranboo yell again, this time Ranboo had said "You can come on up, Michael is away from the door!" and Techno briefly wondered about the identity of Michael (a prisoner? Maybe an animal?) before opening the trapdoor and stepping into the attic.

The first thing Techno had noticed was Ranboo's shocked face (which was fair, he hadn't exactly announced his visit to th ederman) and he was about to make a sarcastic remark, when he noticed something else.

A child. More specifically, a piglin child.

As soon as he noticed the child chat had immediately started screaming things like;

Ranboo Dad POGGG
such a cute kid :0
/rainbow chat

A piglin child, clinging to Ranboo in clear familial attachment.

Like a piglin child, holding onto his father.

'What the fu-' Techno had began to wonder before his thoughts where promptly cut off by Ranboo speaking.

"Hey Techno..." Ranboo said awkwardly, one hand running through his hair and the other patting Michaels head.

"I uh, I brought you your crown" Techno said, before holding out the object. But before Ranboo could grab it, Michael lunged to take it, successfully wrenching the crown out of Techno's outstretched hand before sitting down and examining it in the best way a piglin toddler could.

"Sorry, he really likes gold" said Ranboo, and Techno restrained himself from saying "well no shit" in stead settling on the much more appropriate, "When did you acquire a child?" with his best glowering look.

Ranboo, to his credit, didn't flinch.

"I was wandering the Nether with Tubbo, when we found him bleeding at the bottom of a crater and decided to take care of him since there were no Piglins nearby"

And suddenly techno wasn't there, but back in the nether, fighting to grow up


The gruff piglin in charge of the runts walked up to Techno, and he knew that his short childhood was about to end.

"Get up, runt. It's time for the test." he growled, and Techno got up as quickly as he could and followed quietly. The piglin made him take off his armor and give him any weapons, which just made Techno nervous. How was he supposed to succeed without any protection?

"There is a ghast about 2 kilometers away, runt. Kill it." he said, before pushing Techno out of the village with no further instructions.

Techno was alone, but more importantly he was doomed. He was the only runt left at this point, with all of his fellows having failed "The Test". Of course they failed, they were designed too. There was no way a kid like him could kill one of the toughest monsters in the nether without help.

He was supposed to die.

But he couldn't.

So Techno walked, slowly getting his bearing in the unfamiliar territory, and he made a plan. There were no forests around here, at least not that he could see, so he couldn't make himself any weapons or armor. And he was a runt, so no passing piglins would help him. But he could plan, try to outsmart the ghast. Try to return home.

So he walked, and plotted, trying to remember anything he could about fighting ghasts. He had seem some piglins use crossbows, killing the beasts from afar, but he didn't have that option.

And then he remembered.

On a dare, some of the teen piglins had fought ghasts with swords. They had hit the fire charges that the ghast shot back, and that killed it instantly! All Techno had to do was punch a fire charge at the right angle, and then he could go home!

(was it home? they only feed you scraps if anything, and they keep you locked away so you don't "infect" the other kids, said the voices)

(i'm lucky they feed me at all, he fired back)

He heard the ghast before he saw it, its horrible cries that were almost deafening. He forced himself not to react, and looked for possible cover before the ghast saw him.

But it was not to be, and before he could even find a boulder to hide behind, the ghast shot the charge at him, and even though he punched it away and could hear it make the mark, could sense the tear dropping onto him, burning his hands when he put it away, all he could feel was pain.

Parts of the charge were stuck in his knuckles, and somehow they burned an icy cold, and it felt like his veins were freezing.

He had won, but something told him he would never be the same.


"Technoblade? Techno can you hear me? What happened?" Ranboo said, his panicked voice rousing Techno from his past.

Techno simply stared at Michael, look at the kids chubby cheeks and tiny hooves, and wonder what monster made a kid that young go through the Test.

(protect michael!! Kill the guard! E E E E E)

"Techno, you're worrying me," Ranboo said, and finally Techno looked at his panicked friend.

"I know what happened to Michael, why you found him where you did."

Ranboo looked shocked at this admission, and looked like he was going to ask for more information so he gave it.

"Michael was a runt, the tiniest of his group. Piglin villages raise the runts separately so the others aren't "infected"", he stopped, growling out the last word before looking at the happy kid in front of him to calm down.

"Once the person in charge of the runts deems them old enough, they are forced to fight a ghast without armor-" Ranboo gasped, and Techno simply nodded before continuing, "They take any armor or weapons and force them to fight alone. If they die, they die. If they don't, they can go back to the village, having deemed themselves worthy".

"Are you saying they made Michael fight a ghast without armor?" Ranboo screeched, and all Techno could do was nod. Michael looked alarmed at the sudden change in volume, and looked at Ranboo for reassurance, which he happily gave, hugging the piglin.

"You did the right thing, Ranboo, by saving him."
~•1304 Words•~

I hated this chapter but i have to post something

Also i'm at a hospital right now because i was being stupid and I broke my leg
So there's probably going to be some projecting involving that (pray for whatever character i decide to make suffer(probs going to be wilbur or something) )

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