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Summary: Ranboo and their dad get into an argument and Ranboo gets comfort from Dream and Tubbo

Category: Angst to Fluff

TW: Mentions of TransPhobia, Crying, and Mentions of yelling/loud noises

Extra Notes: Dream and Tubbo are brothers, Modern DSMP AU

Ranboo sniffled, rubbing their burning eyes and picking up their phone, ignoring the yelling from their parents arguing downstairs.

"Tubbo?" They asked as Tubbo picked up the phone, their voice strained. "Can I- Can I come to your place.. please?"

"Of course you can, are you okay?" Tubbo asked, clearly hearing how they've been crying, and the yelling coming from their end of the call.

"N- No, not really, dad keeps starting things. I'll start walking over soon? If that's okay?" They asked, making sure it was okay.

"Sure, but first can I hand the phone to Dream for a second Boo? He wants to talk to you." Tubbo asked, getting a small hum in response before handing it over to his sibling and explaining a little of what was happening with Ranboo to him.

"Hey Ran," Dream began softly, "If you feel safe enough there, I can come pick you up, it'd take a few minutes though. So if you want to leave there sooner rather than later, I can meet you at the park." Dream said.

"I'll- I'll meet you at the park, he's been like this for over an hour and I just want to leave-" Ranboo explains, getting cut off by a sob.

"That's okay Ran, just make sure you have the things you need."

"Okay.. i will."

Once Ranboo had hung up and packed all of their important things into a backpack, they climbed out their window onto the roof of the first floor, cringing at how loud the sound was. Then they dropped their bag to the ground before slowly following it down. After they brushed themself off, Ranboo grabbed their mask and crown from their bag, the familiar weight on their head has become quite calming to them.

When they got far enough away, they sent a quick text to their mom telling them where they were going and that they may not be back for a little while, since she was the one defending them against their dad's unwanted opinions on their identity.

They didn't remember much of the walk there, but before they knew it they were at the park and getting a call from Dream.

"Ran, are you at the park? I'm by the entrance now," Dream informed them, still just getting a small enderman sounding hum in response. As Dream saw Ranboo approach the car, they quickly hung up the call and got out. "Hey Ran... is it okay if i hug you?"

After Ranboo gave a small nod in response, Dream held out his arms for a hug, still giving them the chance to deny it. Quickly, Ranboo was in Dream's arms, Dream rocking them back and forth, something they both did to calm down. After a while, Dream brought them to the car and began the drive home, just talking about his day to keep Ranboo distracted.

When they finally got to Dream's place, he led them inside, where they were met by a small blanket fort that Tubbo had set up.

"Come in!" Tubbo yelled from inside it, pulling open a small blanket door. Once Ranboo got inside, Tubbo pulled them over to the bean bag where he was laying, pulling up a movie on his laptop for them to watch. "Can I braid your hair Ran?"

Getting a small nod, he began to braid their hair, only now noticing how long their hair had gotten, now down to shoulder length. After quickly pausing for a second to message something to Dream, he continued braiding their hair. When he heard Dream start coming down the stairs, he finished up their hair and reached his arm out of the fort, only to be met with more than what he asked for.

"Hey Ran, I made something for you earlier..." Tubbo started, Ranboo turning around to face him. "I know it isn't perfect but-"

"I love it," Ranboo cut him off, looking at the flower crown Tubbo had made them. "Can I?" They said reaching for it, only for Tubbo to instead put it right on their head.

"And... I think Dream made this for you? I'm not sure though, they just gave it to me along with the crown," Tubbo said, holding out a folded piece of fabric.

Ranboo carefully grabbed it, not sure what it was until they unfolded it. Letting out a small "Oh," they climbed out of the fort to make sure it was met for them. Getting a small nod and thumbs up from Dream, they headed over to the bathroom to put it on.

As they looked in the mirror, they couldn't help the smile that came over their face. Tubbo had put two small braids on each side of their head, tying them behind their head like Techno usually wore his hair. They walked out of the bathroom, the bright smile still on their face.

"It looks great Ran!" Dream said, his smile growing as he saw the smile on their face. They give a small spin, letting out a happy warble as it spreads out in a small circle around them before looking over at Tubbo as he almost faceplants getting out of the fort.

Tubbo, ignoring Dream wheezing at the table, walks up to them and adjusts their flower crown. "It looks great Boo!"

"Thank you guys, so much" They said, turning away from Dream and Tubbo with a big smile on their face, unused to all the compliments that they were getting.

Projecting on to Ranboo but giving it a happy ending go BRRRR-

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