Don't Give Up On Me - Oikawa

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author's note: this one shot is inspired by the movie Five Feet Apart, i actually put this in my drafts and just forgot to post it so 😭

B Division Moonsioen Disease
- Stage B, Moonsioen Disease. Deadly to the body. All patients must not come into direct contact with other moonsioen patients and must be at least a certain distance. Moonsioen Disease causes the patient to live on borrowed air, time is limited and cures are trying to be found. So far, this disease has no cure.

C Division Moonsioen
- Stage C, Moonsioen Disease. Deadly but not as dangerous. The disease attacks the lungs, causing the patient to live on borrowed air until a lung transplant is available. If lung transplant is not found in time, death could be a possible outcome. C Division Moonsioen Patients are strictly not allowed to come into direct contact with B Division Moonsioen Patients.

"Oikawa!" Iwaizumi shouted. Oikawa giggled before giving his signature grin before putting on his mask and oxygen bag, which he kept in a brown bag before running out of the room. Iwaizumi was fuming, at this point, you could see smoke coming out of his nose and veins poking out of his brain. Iwaizumi chased after Oikawa, making sure to not make a ruckus as this was still a hospital.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. That's where Oikawa would always go, he some reason loved to look at new born babies, not sure why, or maybe he just went there to have some peace and quiet and safe space of his own. Iwaizumi quickly exited the lift and headed into the NICU, as expected, he saw Oikawa leaning against the glass, staring through the glass at the cute healthy babies which were given a chance to live life normally.
Oikawa didn't have much time, Iwaizumi and Oikawa both knew that. He was living on borrowed air, how long more could he keep living like that? Life is unfair, this so called disease had caused Oikawa to lose everything, his career, his friends, his volleyball team and most of all, his life.

"Shittykawa go back to your room!" Iwaizumi shouted softly, as he hit Oikawa on the head lightly.

Oikawa stayed silent, Iwaizumi was not sure what was in his brain, but he knew that it was a signal that Oikawa wanted some personal space.

"I'll head off first alright, make sure you go back to your room soon."

Oikawa stayed silent, but gave Iwaizumi a quick
nod. Iwaizumi walked out, looking back a last time before he entered the lift. He was worried about his best friend, he tried not to show it but deep down he tried to make every secound with Oikawa count.



Hmmm, what should I do...
I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a ding from my phone. I jumped out of bed as I reached for my phone.

'Don't forget to take your medicine! Stay positive, I'll come and visit soon Y/N chan~' . I read out the message that Maki-san had sent me as I giggled. Maki was my best friend and she had been with me through thick and thin even when I found out I had C Division Moonsioen. It wasn't a problem for her to visit as healthy people could act normally towards patients with Moonsioen disease. I sighed before putting on my mask and my oxygen bag. I kept it in a cute bag that Maki had gave me. It was a cute floral bag which could fit the oxygen bag.

I headed off to my safe space. I would always go look at the newborn babies in the NICU, I'm not sure why, maybe cause it was quiet and gave me some time to think. I opened the glass doors of the NICU, and upon my arrival, I saw a brown haired man, wearing a mask and carrying a oxygen bag too. He was wearing a white shirt with a red jacket and long plaid pants. Must be a moonsioen patient. This hospital doesn't have alot of patients with moonsioen but neither are there alot who have to carry a oxygen bag with them everywhere they go. Im basically living om borrowed air, I never know which day might be the last. I've been in and out of hospitals ever since I was a kid, being able to even travel to another city would be a dream come true for me. But unfortunately, my dream never came true.

I raised my eyebrow, looking at the man. I have never seen him before, and that means he's new or he just doesn't go around the hospital as much as I do. I quietly walk towards the glass barrier, the only thin thing that's blocking the patients and the new born babies. I stand beside the man, a few feet away, careful not to get too close as I had saw his oxygen bag, meaning he had moonsioen too.

"They're lucky, aren't they." The man suddenly said. I slowly turned my head to face him, as his eyes bore into the babies and the nurse that was carefully craddling one of the newborns with a pink color blanket.

"They get a chance at life, a chance to live. A chance to be happy, go to school, travel the world..." He said, drifting off as his eyebrows furrowed a little. I looked at him, I admired his chocolate brown hair and his beautiful eyes. He certainly was handsome I give you that. He turned to look at me, raising a eyebrow, his lips curving into a slight smirk, "Take a picture, it'll last longer Y/N chan~" He smirked.

He knows my name?

My mouth formed a 'o', he knew my name? How? I've never met him before, curious, I decided to finally answer the mysterious brown haired man.

"How do you know my name?"

"I've seen you around, your friend, Maki? Was it? Awfully loud, I could hear her across the hospital lobby." He replied, grinning.



"Yeah, newborns are the luckiest."

The brown haired man let out a toothy grin as he turned to face me fully.

If I had known that coming here on this day would change my life forever, I wouldn't have believed it as nothing had impressed me so far. I've never led a good life, just in and out hospital stays which mostly ended up in staying and never really leaving.

"My name's Oikawa, Toru Oikawa"

Little did I know one sentence would change my life forever.


haikyuu one shotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora