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Two hours after Patrick failed to report for work, I received his text message full of sad faces

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Two hours after Patrick failed to report for work, I received his text message full of sad faces. I fastly composed a response, way too fast as things inside the shop are getting more and more busy.

 I fastly composed a response, way too fast as things inside the shop are getting more and more busy

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And after sending that, I instantly went back to serving the orders to different tables. The rain is still pouring and yet, the customers are coming non-stop.

Oh!! Why today that I'm alone?!

All tables are occupied and the pressure I'm getting from the customer's stares aren't helping at all. I already placed the wheeled ice cream tubs at my area to secure the cashbox while preparing their orders but it doesn't give any progress in my speed. I'm so pressured and stressed!

"Excuse me phi? Our orders wasn't served yet and we've been waiting for 20 minutes now. I think you forgot ours since the table beside us who just arrive already got their own" a girl who is holding a number stand approached me awkwardly while I'm busy scooping some creams to transfer in a cup.

"Really? Sorry about that. I think I mixed the papers uhh, I'll serve it right away. Sorry!!" I apologized as I bow at her before looking for the paper with her order's number.

"Shia, it was mixed with the done ones"

Why is this AydPhakun Cold Ice Treats only hiring two employees at a time? We should have atleast two more additional staffs here. The shop is obviously too known and too big to only have two all-around employees!! The salary is big but the stress is bigger.

"I won't have a hard time here if only that Joong is here. Where is he when I need him?" I murmured my complains as I continued to work double time.

I've been waiting for him to arrive since earlier when I felt that Patrick can't really make it. But as you can see, it's already afternoon and I can't see even just Joong's shadow.

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