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"Shia, this unit is really a paradise" I murmured as I scanned the whole place in pure amazement.

It's Sunday and we're off-duty so we decided to check the unit that I found days ago. This one is really a catch!! The interior looks so expensive and they offer 40% discount for students!! From 8,000 per month, we get it for 4,800 + Utilities Expense. This room is really too beautiful and spacious to be given with a price as cheap as that, you know?

And the biggest plot twist, it's a rent to own!! Rent for 60 months and you'll surely own all of the things here!! It will be transferred legally, like how it works for regular condominium units but this one is surely cheaper.

"I still can't believe that all the furnitures here are included too. Phi, why did we only found this unit now? Our old ones are nothing compared to this" like me, Patrick is also amazed as he ask that.

I have the same question in mind!! Our old room costs 2000+Utilities Expense per month. It's really just a room and only the bedframe is free but here, they offer student-friendly discounts and all the furnitures and appliances looks so brand new!! As in everything that we need is all here, we don't even need to bring anything aside from our clothes and some personal belongings. Even the bed foam in our own room is included and it smells new!!

"Do you think this place is full of ghost that no one wants to stay here so they made offers as beneficial as what we're experiencing right now?" I asked my suspicions.

"This place feels so light and comfortable to be haunted. No creepy shits please, I'm planning to rent here 'til we finally own it" Patrick answered back slightly laughing and I shrugged my shoulders.

Well, who knows right? The offer is too good to be true. The place looks really expensive and I'm still shocked for it's cheap price.

"Yeah, me too.. and as if we have plans on moving out. Look at us completely moving all of our things here when our original plan is to just check the room" I chuckled as I point at the big boxes which contains some of our important things. Like what I said, everything is complete here that we can totally abandon some of our unimportant furnitures in our old apartment.

Lol, as if we have furnitures there. I literally owned only two monobloc chairs, a small old closet, and a bedfoam.

"Atleast we're now chillin' here. It would be really bad if someone steals this room from us. That's a real heartbreak I can never accept" he answered as he comfortably lean his back at the sofa we're currently sitting.

"I'm sure we won't be able to sleep in regret for a whole year if that thing happened" I chuckled, doing the same.

Right now, I feel like I'm experiencing an easier life compared to what I have. Big space, beautifully-designed interiors, complete furnitures and appliances.. that's a simple dream I thought I can only reach after I graduated and save enough money to buy my own house.

It really feels much comfortable here. I'm so happy to find this one. It feels easier to breathe in this big room.

"Did you tell P'Joong that we already moved in together?" He asked and I just shook my head.

"Well.. it's his idea for the two of us to move in together. I'll inform him when he calls later" I answered back, unconsciously checking my phone if there's a text coming from Joong.

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