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So this is how chemotherapy treatment happens?

It's a wednesday morning, Joong's fourth session. I am seated beside him as I watch how the bag of liquid chemicals and medicines transfer slowly into Joong's body. It's indeed really slow, I feel like it's transferring one drop per minute as I watch it.

The bag is connected in his neck, infusing it's content through the central line which they implanted in his vein a long time ago.

Joong on the other hand is leaning at his back, staring at nowhere as the slow process continues.

"How do you feel?" I can't stop myself from asking, getting curious as this is my first time watching the process.

"Just a bit burning feeling.. and sleepy" Joong weakly murmured and what he stated is very evident in his eyes. It's starting to look heavy as time pass by.

It's been an hour since the doctor arrived to start the session but up until now, the liquid infused doesn't even reach half of the bag. I totally understand why, Aunt Ran already told me that the process tooks about 4 hours everytime.

"I'll sleep for a while. Please continue studying for your exams" he murmured again, glancing a few at me before he close his eyes without even waiting for my response.

I bet he's really sleepy.

"Okay, we'll just wake you up once the doctor arrived already" I answered him. He remained leaning on his back as he started to fall asleep. Meanwhile, I spent another five minutes just staring at him before I convince myself to go back at reading my books.

I don't know if Joong already had an idea that I'm about to lose my scholarship or what. He didn't ask me anything about it that night. Right now, all I know is that he already knew that I'm currently doing bad and struggling to keep up in school.

That's why I really need to study so he will stop worrying about me. He might not say a word but I know, I can see his worries everytime he looks at me silently.

I continued to study. Reading my notes, highlighting some important informations, and keeping things organized in my memory. The silence and peaceful ambience inside the room, plus Joong's presence really helps to keep my attentions focused to my goal.

After I don't know how many hours, I finally finished reviewing two subjects!! Yeah!! Now I only need to review one more subject before I can completely enjoy the rest of my free week.

And guess what? There's still some few liquids inside the bag continuing to transfer. See?! That's how slow the process is. I've already finished two subjects and the session is still on-going.

"When will this process end?" I murmured a bit, complaining out of my boredom.

Well, I'm the only one left alone in the room. Aunt Ran have to go home and bring Joong's dirty clothes to the laundry. His father have to do something prior to their business. So yeah, I have no one here inside to talk with.

"So impatient.." Joong suddenly murmured, eyes are still close that surprised me a bit.

"Eh? I thought you're sleeping?" I asked him casually and that's when he opened his eyes again.

"I'm sleepy but I can't sleep. My eyes feels hot like it's burning" he complained as he yawned. Like me, he stares at the bag above him in a bored manner.

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