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"My bed!!!!!" Joong exclaimed as he run to jump on his bed the moment we opened his room.

"No extreme activities, right?!" I scolded right away, reminding him of what is written at the booklet that the doctor gave him. Well, I also read it's content so I'll know if he's breaking a rule or not and look what he's doing right now!

"It's not even classified as an extreme activity" he reasoned out while laying flat at his own bed. Meanwhile, I am here, carrying his bag 'til I can finally place it at the couch. He's so excited to visit his room earlier, he totally forgot about carrying his own things so fine, I'll do it for him.

"Continue being a hard-headed kid, let's see where will that attitude take you" I threatened.

Oh come on, it's just almost two hours since he got discharged from the hospital and here he is, already breaking the rules and reminders that the doctor gave him! He's really like a kid, even a 5-year old is more disciplined than him!

"Fine.. kho thot na~ P'Nine" he obediently stated, sitting properly while having his palms pressed towards each other. I just gave him a mocking expression before I went to sit beside him.

"So... how are you feeling now?" I asked, roaming my eyes around the familiar sight of his room. He did the same with a smile, also inhaling the air inside.

"I feel so good!! I'm finally home... I thought I'll be spending the Christmas and New Year inside that boring white room" he answered in peace.

"What else can I say?.. congratulations again!" I exclaimed, dropping my body at the bed. He did the same thing and the only difference is that he quickly eloped his arm on my waist, laying sideways to face me.

"Just congratulations? No rewards for me?" He naughtily asked while flashing his naughty smiles.

"What do you mean rewards? I already gave that to you earlier" I asked back, wondering. Too much of those rewards, Joong!

"I mean.. maybe consider putting labels to our relationship? We're only two days away from the thirtieth.. being in a official relationship today won't harm" he whispered softly, suggesting his ideas that made me smile.

Well, his idea is nice and we both know what will happen on the thirtieth, right? We both know that we will end at the same edge, having mutual decisions. At the end of this deal, we will surely be boyfriends.. officially.

I turned sideways too so we can face each other. Then, I leaned forward to plant a kiss in his lips that made him smile sweetly after.

"So.. is that a yes?" He whispered happily again that made me giggle.

"No, it simply means you have to wait 'til the thirtieth. Be patient" I corrected before laughing happily as I watch how stressed his facial expression turns.

Oh come on! Let the deal make sense! We're just two rainy days away from the thirtieth so why not wait, right?! Waiting won't harm, for sure!

"Oi! What's the need to wait that long?" He complained, pulling an impatient expression that made me laugh even more.

"What's the need to hurry? I'm sure we'll spend this lifetime together.. there's no need to rush, we have lots of time now!" I convinced him with those sincere words from me.

30 Rainy DaysWhere stories live. Discover now