8. Our eyes met

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"Jesus Christ, they're still on this?"
"They have lots of healing shit of course the school would NOT hesitate to play with us"
"I'm sure its for our traits-"
"nO IT'S NOT! Viscount Namjoon almost died-"
"Well, that's what I heaaaard."

JUNGKOOK walked at the hallways, hearing everything the other students gossip about. He, himself, knew that the Viscount is not dead. 

Yet he couldn't stop to doubt himself. After all, it was his trait whom almost slipped-

"Watch where you're going."

Jungkook stopped on his tracks to see a man with a tiger tail almost on his foot. If it weren't for the guy who told him the warning he could've stepped on the poor tail..

He stepped over the tail and continued walking.

"097..097..097.." He chanted under his breath. God knows how many stairs did he climb just to get to his dorm. The registrar lady told him that he has a nice roommate. He sure does hope they are nice.


He reached his destination and he turned to look at his surroundings, memorizing every little detail. He's at fifth floor and the elevator's still at work. Thank goodness he has telekinesis for his stuff.

He dropped his stuff and was about to knock the door when he noticed that there are two name frames on the door,

Kim Yugyeom. . . says the other.

He remembered that the old lady gave him a flat wood with his name carved on it. He took it and placed it on the other name frame. Then, he knocked the door.

[Are you.. uhh.. Jeon Jungkook?] said the voice inside.

"Y-yeah , I'm your roommate. . ."

Two seconds have passed and the door was opened. 

Jungkook was greeted with a kind-looking guy. He smiles at Jungkook and Jungkook smiled back a little.

"Welcome to the fifth floor! Was the climbing tiring?" Yugyeom started a conversation.

"Thankfully to my trait, it wasn't that tiring."

"...You know you're pretty famous now. The guy who knocked down a Viscount and didn't apologize. Not that I'm cursing you or anything I just wanna tell you so that you're aware..."

Jungkook placed his stuff at his side of the dorm. "I.. am too shy to apologize. I mean, he's a viscount???"

"Namjoon's a nice guy. I'm sure he doesn't even wait for you to apologize. But apologize, because he has this feral friend-"

Jungkook moved his hands in the air as his stuff was moving on it's command, he carefully placed his clothes on the cabinet, some other stuff at the shelf and some school stuff on his desk.

"Kim Taehyung right?" he asked.


They both fell into silence. A comfortable one.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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