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Eren: *practicing*

Armin: *bursts in the window* EREN, IM THE KING OF THE SKITTLES AND YOUR MY SLAVE!! *hits him on the head with a magical staff*

Eren: *turns into a skittle* What the heck!?!?

Armin: *laughs evily* Thats what you get Titan Boy!

Eren: Wait, Jean?

Jean: *pulls off the Armin mask* Hahahaha!!!!

Eren: Damn you Horse face....

Jean: *back in his horse form* That's right, call me that all you want, I'm the Mother F*cking king of Skittles!

Fairy: Can I be your Skittle Queen? *puppy dog eyes*

Jean: Sure, let's go rule the world with my skittle powers! Hop on!

Fairy: Yeah!! *hops on to Jean's back*

Jean: *farts rainbows and leaves*

Eren:.......guys..... I'm still a skittle.... *tears up* Help me...

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