Damn it Cas!!!

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Fairy: *crying 10 lakes* Why!!! ASDGKLAPWHRALHRLSVF!!!

Armin: Fairy, what's wrong??

Fairy: Cas, and*sniffles* angles,*sniffles* and metatron and, and WHY MUST THE ANGLES FAAALLLLL!!!!!

Armin: Wait, the angles are falling? Where, when?

Fairy: Supernatural, season 8, season finale!!!!

Armin: *tears ups* Wait, Cas...

Fairy: HE LOST HIS GRACE!!!! *wails and sobs*

Armin: *crying* Damn it Cas!!!! WHYYYY!!!

*rolling on the floor*

Fairy: *clings onto Armin and cries more*

Armin: *clings on Fairy* WHY CAS, WHHHHYYYY!!!

Levi: Fucking weirdos....

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