Survey or Recon Corps

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((This is based on a video I saw on YouTube, so all credit goes to the creators of that video))

Levi: *in a bathtub, drunk off his ass*

Hanji: *finds Levi* Hey Ravioli!

Levi: My name isn't Ravioli.. *drinks more*

Hanji: Whatever, anyway, do you know where the rest of the survey corp is?

Levi: No and it's the Recon Corp..

Hanji: I'm 100% sure it's Survey..

Levi: Recon. *drinks more wine*

Hanji: Survey.

Levi: Recon.

Hanji: Survey!

Levi: Recon. *takes another swig of wine*

Hanji: Well, I'll ask Irvin then. *takes out her phone ((Because She CAN!)) and calls Irvin*

Levi: Whatever shitty glasses..

Hanji: *he picks up* Hey Commander Irvin, I gotta ask ya something....... Is our name the Recon Corp or Survey Corp?....... Ok... Alright... Thanks. *hangs up*

Levi: What did he say..?

Hanji: I WAS RIGHT!! Take that Ravioli!!

Levi: Whatever, just go get me Eren, I have an urge to punch something..

Hanji: *still victory dancing and gets Eren*

Eren: Y-yes Heichou?

Levi: *beats him up*

Eren: *screams like a little girl*

((So, the last part I made up, but the rest I did get from that video. It's not word for word, so it's not plagiarism!))

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