A Friendship Through the Ages Pt.1 [Straight]

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*Disclaimer: Cultural information was gathered second hand so apologies for any mistakes or discrepancies. 
First part has no sexual scenes. That is on the second part*

A Friendship Through the Ages [Straight]

Mumbai. High school. 10th Standard.

"Psst. Hey. Hey."

Shruti turns to give her classmate a deadpan look. Rather than be embarrassed this girl has the audacity to simply jerk her head to the left. Shruti simply rolls her eyes and silently groans. Fuck her life.

She fully intends to ignore the girl but that's when a pencil hits the back of her head. She knows this because she feels it and picks up the tiny weapon from the floor. Thankfully the teacher still drones on at the front of the class. This time her deadpan look is a glare but still her classmate persists. With no other choice since well, it could be a compass that's aimed at her next, she lifts her elbow causing it to nudge against the guy next to her.
He turns to face her, his hazel eyes catching the light and causing the flecks of green in them to glow. His skin is a light golden colour contrasted by his dark hair and he has those strong features slowly starting to come in as he progresses through puberty. Okay so she totally gets why someone would throw a pencil (or a compass) at another person for him.

But it's just hormones and a good looking boy. Shruti can pretend she doesn't notice it for the sake of her own sanity.
She shakes her head and slides over the note.

Since this is the billionth time this has happened, he doesn't look confused anymore. Instead he unfolds the little paper under his desk and reads it. Shruti's pretty sure she already knows what it says but she leans in and reads it anyway. It's only when he looks up, she realises how close they are and despite her rapid heartbeat at it she makes a gagging motion which causes his lips to tilt up in a smile.

"Another one to add to the fan club," she mutters, "how many is that now?"

He just shrugs nonchalantly and folds up the note, keeping it aside.
"I don't know. It doesn't matter anyway."
"Seriously?" whispers back Shruti.
She knows he's straight. They've watched movies together. No gay man stares at Katrina Kaif like that. So why the reluctance. Is it...because of her? No. No way. Her and him. Of course not.
"Yeah why?"
She narrows her eyes at him as he looks away.
"Dhruv..." she drawls. They've known each other since preschool and been friends from first grade. She knows when he's hiding something.
"Okay fine," he sighs after only a few minutes of her silence.
Shruti smiles in victory. Cracking him has always been easy for her.
"It's Sara."
"What's Sara?"

Sara Kapoor is maybe one of the prettiest girls in their grade. If he has a crush on her then he's not the only boy, there's a long line of them. It's also a bonus to them that her parents are pretty liberal. They let her colour her hair, they let her wear makeup that's not just kajol and they even let her bring over boy friends which is basically their equivalent of dating. It also doesn't help that Sara is nice (a little vapid but sweet nonetheless). Despite all the attention, she's not like one of those bitchy mean girls. Shruti hates her but also kind of wants to be her.

"Sara is you know," prompts Dhruv.
It's been a long day. That's the only reason Shruti can explain why she's still confused by his words.
"She's what?"
"My girlfriend."
Shruti can't suppress her snort of laughter. As it escapes her kids around them glance their way but then look back as they fall silent.
"Does she know that?" she finally asks Dhruv.

A lot of guys in their grade claim to have girlfriends but if you ask their supposed girlfriends they'll say they don't even know the guy.

Dhruv just shoots her an annoyed side glance and mumbles, "yes Madrasi, she knows that."
Shruti's back goes straight at the insulting slur. Yes her family is from the Southern state of Tamil Nadu and yes she is dark skinned but she's not from 'Madras'.
"Don't fucking call me that," she hisses back now just as pissed off with him as he seems to be with her.
Fine, whatever.
She was only teasing him. He was being mean and she won't take it. Not from him.

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