C h a p t e r s e v e n

464 20 2

Queentex, latex, I'm your wonder maid. Life gave me some lemons so I made some lemonade.
Harry was woken up by a muffled voice coming from the next room. He glanced groggily at the small digital clock on his nightstand. 3:05 Am. He threw the covers off and crept towards his door - being careful to avoid the creeky lose floorboard.

He walked across the hall, noticing the voice coming from the spare bedroom. Louis' bedroom- Niall and Liam had decided to share Liam's bed for the night. Harry peeked through the gap left from the, slightly open, door.

He could see Louis'  silhouette standing in the middle of the room- he cracked open the door a little more.

"I can't handle your shit anymore, Eleanor!" Louis barked into the phone. " I'm done. We're over!" Not waiting for a reply or a protest, Louis threw the phone towards the door, accidentally throwing the object against Harry's shin.

Harry yelped at the sudden impact.

"Harry!"  Louis gasped. Harry clutched his shin in pain. " What the hell are you doing up?!"

"I-I'm sorry" Harry muttered , keeping his eyes down on the floor to avoid Louis' angry gaze. " I didn't mean to eavesdrop." He then whispers -leaning against the wall to hug his shin.

" Forget about that" Louis whispered harshly, not wanting to wake anyone else " Are you alright? I swear I didn't mean to..." he looked at Harry's posture and sighed. "C'mere" Louis said in a softer tone.

Harry was confused but obliged and limped towards Louis

"I'm sorry" Harry repeated. Then looked at Louis , their eyes meeting in an intense stare . " A-are  you alright?" Harry barely whispered

"I'm fine, Haz" Louis smiled. The nickname seemed to sound so different on Louis' tongue. Harry blushed.

"Are you sure? If you need someone to talk to-" Louis shook his head, a sign that Harry took as an order to stay silent. 

A few moments of silence past before Harry finally spoke, " Do you want me to leave ? Because if you want me to, I-I will , I don't want to bother you-" Louis gave him a pointed look and Harry squirmed on the spot. Getting a little flustered from the dominant gaze, Harry stopped rambling.

That was when Louis noticed the green eyed boys clothing or rather-lack thereof. His pupils dialating as he spoke, "Please stay."

Harry was slightly taken back by Louis' husky whisper but nodded nonetheless. Louis smiled thankfully and motioned to the bed-sure that Harry would follow.

And that's how Harry found himself clutched in Louis' arms the next morning.


My gay heart can't take this

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