C h a p t e r e i g h t

468 19 5

Soda pop, soda pop, baby, here I come.
Straight to number one.

" I knew it !" Those were the words Louis woke up to. He opened his eyes and noticed Liam and Niall standing by the doorway- Harry sound asleep in his arms.

" Keep it down, Niall!" Louis whisper-yelled.

Niall waved his arms around frantically, a stupid grin plastered on his face as he gestured to the sleeping boy. Liam didn't say anything and leaned casually on the doorframe, his eyes locked on the two.

"Did you fuck?!" Niall finally asked, not using his inside voice. Harry started to stir awake.

" Green, you moron" Louis scowled " You woke him up."

Harry yawned and opened his eyes groggily. "What's going on?" Louis blushed at the cute morning voice that emitted from the boy's lips.

Louis smiled fondly and responded " Nothing- these morons just don't understand the meaning of shutting the fuck up" he gave Niall a pointed look.

Harry giggled , which caused Louis to get butterflies in the pit of his stomach. Now that Eleanor was out of the picture he was free to feel what he likes instead of having to hide.

"Okay you two, get your gay asses up". Liam rolled his eyes playfully. " I made breakfast."

Niall smirked "Didn't think you'd be hungry after last ni-"

" Shut up!" Liam blushed furiously

Niall frowned in confusion and said calmly, " I was talking about those tater tots you filled up on..."

"I do t give a damn about tator tots". Harry grumbled cutely, and nuzzled himself more into Louis' chest " I just wanna sleep!"

Louis chuckled. "Someone's not a morning person..."

Harry sat on the sofa with an emotionless gaze towards the TV. Liam, Niall and Louis had decided to go to the pub. Then he had an idea- an idea that involved the unopened shopping bag in his room at the back of his closet.


Once again, Harry was humming along to the music from his earphones - it had been almost a half hour and the others still hadn't come back yet, so Harry decided that his nails were in need of a manicure.

He skipped back to his room and retrieved the small shoebox. He smiled and hurried back to the kitchen; placing the box on the counter and fiddling through the glass tubes of nail polish.

He chose pastel purple.

Harry opened the tube and began to paint his thumb, so lost in the music that he didn't notice the sound of keys rattling behind the front door. Or the blue eyed beauty that walked through it.

From the kitchen door, Louis could clearly make out the short skater skirt and fluffy white socks that were endearingly too large and pooled slightly against his ankles.

Harry, however focused on painting. He focused on the pale peach of his nail, brushed into a light pastel purple.

He flinched as he felt a tap on his shoulder, smudging the nail polish across his fingers. Harry turned around and felt his heart skip a beat- whether it was because of a fright or admiration, he would never know.




- Miami_21

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