4-Even Though I Can See it in your Face I Can Barely Explain

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Tony's P.O.V.

Yesterday was so normal, it wasn't normal. I didn't see that boy, I didn't find any unopened food, nothing. Nada. Zip. Zippo. Zilch.

To be completely honest with myself, I do really want to see him again. I don't even know why either. He was just so intriguing, plus those weird but beautiful markings all over him fascinates me. But I could live without seeing him again also. He could've told people about me, people could be searching for me. I don't want to think about that.

As for today, I'm going back to that city I seen that man in. I might look around and find something. Just really depends. I slept in that house again last night, there's nobody there so I'm pretty content with it. For now anyways.

I'm standing on a window ledge getting ready to take off. All it takes is a few stout flaps of my wings. That's one good thing about having these.

Once I'm up and have a good rhythm going I make my way back to the city. I don't technically know why I want to to go back there, maybe it's that man, maybe it's something else. I really have no idea.

Although I hate being this nuisance of a human being, it has its perks. There's only a few though, you get places quicker, the view, and being able to go anywhere you please with no laws to abide by. Well of course there's laws, but it's not like I follow them anyways. Why should I follow them? Exactly.

I found myself over the dumpsters I seen the other day. Quickly I flew down and landed behind them. No one was there, which was a plus for me. I made my way to the first dumpster and started looking around. I found another muffin! Yes! Why is everybody throwing away good muffins? I'm not complaining, it's a good muffin, no mold or anything. So, no, I'm definitely not complaining.

I shoved the muffing in my pocket and went onto the next dumpster. Of course not without looking to see if anyone had showed up first. Thankfully no one did.

For the last dumpster I found nothing, but that's okay. I didn't expect to, I found a muffin so that's good enough. Although I could probably eat a horse, but I've come to the conclusion, I don't like meat, nor do I like killing things. So I'll live with a muffin for now.

I went to turn around but something pushed me to the ground forcefully. Or should I say someone. Well more like five people. They was all very grungy and mean looking. To say the last I was terrified. I let out a grunt of pain, because let me tell you it hurts landing on the wings. The next thing I knew kicks was being throw in my direction. My arms flung up to protect my face.

"Freak!" One of the men screamed.

By now I was crying, well more like sobbing. They kept throwing kick after kick to my stomach and chest. I'll be lucky if I don't have a few broken ribs.

"You're such a disgrace!" Another spat.

"A-as if I d-didn't a-already know t-that." I choked out.

"Well, we might just kill you now. That gives us more of a reason!" The same guy spat.

"No, it doesn't! Get the hell away from him you bastards!" Someone yelled.

"What makes you say that?" One of the men asked.

"He's a person, just the same as you. You have no right to want to kill him. Now get away, before I make you." The other one seethed. They had stopped kicking me, so I turned over enough to see the guys face. The guy from the other day? It's the same guy with all the markings from the other day!

"You ain't going to make us doing nothin'."

"Hell I ain't." The guy I had seen before said. Then he jumped after the one, and started punching him. The others tried to pull him off, but it didn't work very well. He ended up punching them also. Soon after they ran holding their noses.

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