8-This is the Road to Ruin and We're Starting at the End

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Mike's P.O.V.

Tony's gone! Tony's not fucking walking beside me anymore!

Those are the thoughts swirling in my head as I run to Abby's house. I'm out of breath and sweating, I'm not used to this much exercise! But it's for Tony, where could he be? What If someone took him, and done something to him? Oh my god.

I finally got to Abby's, because we was literally almost to my house! And hers is good five blocks away, but like really close to the shop. Why the hell do I even care about that right now?

I ran in her house and found Ricky there, thank the lord they was just watching TV. When I had basically busted open the door, breathing heavily and shaking. They both turned around and stared at me, wide eyed.

"I was walking, and you know Tony was right beside me. I tried talking to him and he didn't answer! When I turned around he wasn't there anymore! Tony's fucking gone!" I rushed out, not even taking a breath in between words. Abby got up from the couch and walked over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Mike, calm down. Tony is going to be okay. We'll find him, he's going to be okay. Now, where were you when you figured out he was gone?" She asked calmly, while I, on the other hand was a shaking mess. I could break down in tears any minute.

"We w-were like f-five house away f-from my house." I said, trying to stay calm. It wasn't working very well. Not at all.

"Okay, let's go look for him. Ricky, you comin'?" Abby asked. I was shaking even harder. I really hope Tony's okay.

"Yeah, Tony's pretty cool. And Mike, looks like he about to break down. Let's find Tony." Ricky said, and he wasn't wrong about me about to break down. Abby nodded, and led me out of her house and into her car. Her and I sat in the back, while Ricky drove.

"Ricky, you know where Phoenix lives, right?" Abby asked, and Ricky nodded, "Go there, she's coming too," Abby commanded and Ricky nodded, going to Phoenix's house.

When we got there, she ran out of her house. I guess Abby had texted her, I wasn't paying attention. I'm just beyond worried about Tony. Phoenix, jumped in the front seat, and Ricky started driving again.

We got to my subdivision, and got out of the car. I ran to where I was last, and started looking for signs. I didn't see anything. Phoenix, came over and helped me, neither of us found anything. But I wasn't giving up. I had to find Tony. There is no way in hell I would give up.

I've only known the kid for a few weeks. But I know him enough to know I want him to be okay. And nothing bad happening to him. He's so innocent and sweet and I just really want him to be okay.

"Mike!" Ricky shouted, breaking me from my daze. I looked over to where he was standing and he was holding something. I ran over to find he had Tony's shoe. Quickly I grabbed it from him, and something fell out, a little slip of paper. It was folded neatly, so I unfolded it, and it read-

I know what your beloved Tony is, trust me. I might just be one too. You've already met me, only once. Where's a place you meet quite a bit of new people? But, if you ever want your little friend to see the light of day again, you must find me, and you must kill me. Good luck. You're going to need it, mate.


What the hell? That sick freak! I reread the note at least twenty times, and couldn't think of anyone who would have the name 'O' or the initials. Who could it possibly be? I don't know anyone with that initial, I've met a few people at the shop. But they couldn't have anything to do with this. Could they?

Abby came and ripped the note from my hands, reading it. She got that look of pure, seething anger.

"What the actual hell is wrong with that dude? Taking someone innocent! That dirty bastard! We will find Tony, for you, Mike." Abby seethed, but was someone calmed when she said we was going to find him. I simply nodded, without a word and walked to my house. From what I heard, Phoenix, Abby, and Ricky was following me in their car.

Once I got to my door, I unlocked the door and went in, flopping on the couch, face first. My assumptions was correct, they had followed me. I heard the scuffing of shoes, so I peeked up and one by one they all filed into the living room. I didn't move, I didn't say a word. Neither did they, and for that I was grateful. I wasn't up for talking, or anything really. I just wanted to sleep, and that's exactly what I did.


I woke up some hours later, still on the couch, and to find my friends still here. They was sitting around in the floor watching TV. Abby and Ricky was cuddled up, while Phoenix was scooted away from them. I could just sense the snarled up nose from her. They didn't notice my until I groaned and popped my back. When I did Phoenix turned around and looked at me, while Abby and Ricky stayed focused on the TV.

"Why didn't you all go home?" I asked, curiously.

"Oh, well we thought you could use the company. If you want us to go, we can." Phoenix offered, I shook my head no, an headed to the kitchen for food.

"You all hungry?" I asked loudly, poking around in the fridge.

"Yeah!" Phoenix said back. Then came into the kitchen and sat on a barstool, "Thank god, you finally woke up. I was about to puke. Abby and Ricky, just ew. I mean they're cute and all, but God." Phoenix breathed, I chuckled at her lightly.

"Speaking of relationships. Why don't you have a man?" I asked lightheartedly.

"Um, I like someone." She muttered. Who would have thought I would have this conversation while Tony's missing.

"Oh, tell me about him!" I cooed.

"Mike, your gay is showing. I can basically see the rainbows shooting off your forehead." Phoenix laughed, I flipped her off while pulling a pan out of the cabinet.

"Shut up. Anyways, what's he like?" I asked more seriously this time, and put water in the pan. I guess I'm going to make noddles. Phoenix is going to have to live with it.

"Well, his name is Mikey. He's really sweet and cute. We met at a party, and he was the only person not trying to get in my pants. So him and I stayed together and talked a lot. Then we gave each other our number and been talking ever since. We've even met up and had coffee a few times." She gushed, and I laughed lightly. I had the noddles on and was sitting across from her now.

"Sounds like you really like him. Go after him." I winked, causing her to blush and giggle.

"So, I wasn't wrong." I stated. She flipped me off and I guess went to go get the two love birds.

In the time she was gone, my mind wandered back to Tony. We need to find him, and figure out who took him. So I can kill the little bitch. Well, I don't know if I so much for the killing thing. But I know whoever took Tony is going to regret it.

Wait! The note read that the person who took Tony, might be angel too. How is that possible? Well if Tony is one, then I guess there's more. But I always thought they was like nice and innocent and things like that. I mean Tony is, he's so oblivious. It's cute actually. But my point is, we have to find another angel. The one who took Tony.

We've also, already met the person. Where though? The tattoo shop! That had to be it! Tomorrow we'll go and look through the records of people we've tattooed. Maybe we can find someone with the right initials. I can only hope.

I will find Tony.


(A/N: HEY! How's it going! I wrote this at like 5 in the morning. And I fell asleep like twice. Lol. Anyways, comment who you think 'O' is. Hint hint, you've already been exposed to them. If you get it correct I'll give you a shout out! Also, I might not update for about a week. I'm going on a trip and all the Jazz. But I'll try and write. And the Pete Wentz/Mikey Way story will be written keep a lookout! Comment||Vote and read lemon scented fanfiction! <3 <3)

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