10-I Never Knew What I'd do if Anybody Tried to Take you Away

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Mike's P.O.V.

Everyone had stayed over at my house last night. We were going to the shop today to look at the records and see if anything matches up.

Everyone else was still asleep, but I had been up all night worried about Tony. I haven't known him that long, but he's really nice and such. I just hope he's okay.

I made my way to the living room, seeing Abby and Ricky curled up on the couch and Phoenix in the recliner. Phoenix had her head lolled back, mouth open, a blanket was draped over her legs and her phone in hand. I snickered a little, going into the kitchen.

I didn't have much to eat, but decided on a bowl of cereal. Cereal is always good. I made my cereal at sat down at a bar stool, eating. What else am I going to do? Stare at it?

There was some shuffling coming from the living room, and Ricky appeared a moment later. His hair a complete mess, but so it mine. We're all looking pretty shitty.

"Mornin'. There's cereal, in that one, bowls in that one, and milk in the fridge." I murmured, gesturing to the cabinets and such. Ricky nodded, but just sat down across from me.

It wasn't an awkward silence, it was comfortable I guess. I finished my cereal, putting the bowl in the sink had sitting back down. Ricky had his head down on the table, and he was snoring a bit. I just let him sleep, and went back to my room.

I changed, black skinny jeans, some kind of tank top I didn't bother looking at too closely, Vans, and a SnapBack. I brushed my hair a little though, since it wasn't looking to good.

After I changed I went back into the living to find everyone awake. They're were watching the news. Why haven't we filed a missing persons report? I'll ask on the way to the shop or something.

I plopped down on the couch beside Abby and Ricky.

"Morning. You look like shit." Abby commented, I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I know. You aren't looking too good either." I said, she scoffed and flipped me off.

We sat and watched the news for a bit, finally deciding to leave and go to the shop.


"I don't want a spoon full of sugar!" Some woman screeched over the phone in front of the shop. I would've laughed, but there's more important things to tend to. Abby snickered and Phoenix slapped her arm.

"Um, excuse me. We need to get in here." I said to the woman, she gave me a threatening look.

"It's closed." She said, holding the phone to her chest.

"We work here." I said, pulling my keys out of my pocket and jiggling them.

"Oh." She said and scurried away, muttering something about sugar over the phone once again. Why sugar?

I unlocked the door and flicked the light switch. We all flied in. I went over to the front desk and started up my laptop looking through records.

"What was that woman's problem?" Phoenix muttered, looking through pictures. We have to take pictures of every tattoo and keep them on file.

"I have no idea." Ricky answered. I sighed and kept looking through records. Finally a name stood out. Oliver Sykes.

"Nix, come here." I said, motioning her over. I pointed to the name.

"So, you think that guy is the person who took Tony?" She asked, I nodded.

"He's the only person with an 'o' in their name. It's got to be him? Doesn't it?" I asked, looking at her. She bit her lip.

"It could be. But maybe he used a fake initial or something?" She countered, I nodded with a sigh.

"You two, get over here." Phoenix said, Abby and Ricky walked over.

"Mike found someone with an 'o' in their name. Who tattooed him? 'Cause it wasn't me." Phoenix asked.

"Why does it matter who tattooed him?" I asked, darting my eyes back and forth from all of them.

"Just go with it." Phoenix said, "anyways, who tattooed him?"

"I did." Abby said.

"What did you tattoo on him?" Phoenix asked, Abby shrugged going back over to her station. She looked through a couple pictures and then came back over, handing one to Phoenix. I looked and saw that the tattoo was sort of like an angel, but it had something in its mouth.

"Does it have something to do with Tony or anything?" I asked, Phoenix shrugged.

"Possibly. I tattooed a girl at the same time he was getting tattooed, they were together I think. And she had an tattoo like Tony's." Phoenix said. " I didn't ask her about it, but I did notice it while I was tattooing her. From what I remember her name was Destiny."

Phoenix went over to her station and dug around, she came back with a picture. The tattoo was this wildly colorful thing on her wrist. It was pretty abstract. Cool nonetheless. It looked like it was unzipped and then color just exploded instead of blood.

"Okay, now, Nix. What does this have to do with finding the asshole who took Tony." I asked.

"The more evidence you have, the better." She shrugged, I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. We're never going to get anywhere.

"Why don't we file a missing persons report?" I asked.

"Uh, that might help. But then it might not. From the way 'O' talked he's pretty powerful or some shit." Abby said making finger quotations when she said 'O'.

"True." I agreed. I looked over to Ricky to find him reading some kind of... note. Well that's what it looked like.

"Hey, Mike, you might want to read this..." Ricky said trailing off, handing the note to me.

So, I see you've figured out where you've seen me before. Have you found out who I am? I'm sure you have, mates. Anyways, I'm giving your precious Tony a week. If you haven't found him or anything by then, then he's done for. Should I give you another hint...? Why not? Think of... underground.


"What's with the notes?" I asked, handing it to Phoenix. She read over it quickly and handed it to Abby.

My level of worry had went up tenfold, in a matter of a minute.

"I have no idea, dude." Ricky said with a sigh.

"Where do you think he's talking about?" Phoenix asked, Abby had a look of concentration on her face.

"Could it be 'Black Ink'?" She asked, I nodded. That's the only underground place I know of and go to quiet a bit. Abby more than me.

"Yeah, let's go." Ricky said, I nodded. I shut down my laptop and put it away, while Phoenix and Abby put away their stuff at their stations. After we were all finished I locked up and we made our way to 'Black Ink." Walking, of course, it really isn't that far.


A/N: Honestly, I have absolutely no excuses for this. Please forgive me? And I know boring af, I have plans though. It's a bit shorter, but it's something I guess. AND HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!! Over 200 votes, that's unreal. Or at least for me, I didn't even think I'd get ten. But over 200? That's amazing! And over 3k reads? Holy fuck! I wish I could hug all of you! But I can't so *internet hugs*

Love you guys! <3 <3


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