6-Take the Broken Wings and Learn to Fly

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Tony's P.O.V.
Time lapse - Week after Tony's tattoo.

I need to stretch my wings, fly, something. It's starting to become painful for me since I haven't really moved them any. I sort of want to go back to that field I was in a few weeks ago. I mean no one was there, and it was completely isolated. But fact of the matter is, how am I going to get there? I'm still to afraid to go out on my own again. I don't think Mike would let me leave anyways, even if it was for a little while. I'm not fond on the idea of actually being on my own again. I just want to fly around a little.

Speaking of Mike, he's been so nice to me. I've never had this much compassion put towards me. It's still a foreign feeling to me, although I am getting slightly used to it. Trust me, you go for as long as I went without human contact you get to the point where nothing is normal but being completely and utterly alone. Even the rats did whatever their little bodies had to do with more human contact than I had.

I've tried to get Mike to sleep in his room, I can sleep on the couch. He wouldn't let me though, something about I need the bed more than him? Something along those lines. I don't really see why I need the bed, I've slept in and on worse things than a couch.

As of now Mike and I are at the tattoo shop he runs. Mike is doing whatever it is the he does, Abby is tattooing some guy. He's got dark brown hair, green eyes, his whole body is covered is with tattoos, more than Mike, and he has a weird accent to his voice. Phoenix is tattooing a small, pale girl with light brown hair, she seems nice enough. Jaime and Vic are doing something somewhere, I don't care really.

As for me, I'm sitting alone in a chair that's in the corner, with my knees pulled to my chest. I would still poke at my tattoo and Mike would tell me to stop or else it wouldn't heal right. I'm really happy he let me get it, I really like it! It hurt a little at the time, but now it doesn't, just itches some.

I sat in the same place for some time, because the second time I had come here I made the mistake and looked around. Long story short, I ended up breaking something of Phoenix's. She kept on telling me it was fine, but I still said sorry. I still feel bad about it right now.

"Hey, Tony, you want to get lunch with us?" Phoenix asked, she was wrapping the girls tattoo up. Abby was just sitting, I guess she had finished doing the one on that man.

"Sure." I replied quietly.

"Okay, let me get her all wrapped up and we'll go." Phoenix said, I nodded, although I don't think she saw me.

I sat watching out the shop window until they was ready to go. Which wasn't very long, soon Jaime was poking my shoulder saying they was leaving. I put my legs down then stood, stretching a little.

We all walked to a little restaurant, there was outside seating. Mike ordered for me, which was some form of spaghetti and meatballs. I wish I could do something to repay him, I really do. I feel so bad about not being able to repay him in anyway.

Jaime, decided on sitting outside. So we all agreed and now we're sitting around a table outside eating our food. My spaghetti was good, better than the canned kind, but I'm not complaining about that either.

"Tony, how's your tattoo?" Abby asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Oh, good." I said.

"Let me see it." She said, I nodded and laid my arm on the table. She was sitting beside me so she poked it a little, "good. If you want another just tell me. But I would wait until this one is completely healed." I nodded at her words and we resumed eating.


I'm sitting on the couch watching something I don't know the name of, while Mike is on his laptop. He's always on it for some reason, I don't know why. Not that I really care either. It's whatever he wants to do I guess.

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