1- I'd Give up my Eyes to See You One Last Time.

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Mike's P.O.V.

As of right now I'm getting ready for work, I don't do anything special. I work at a small tattoo and piercing parlor. I'm actually the manager, so basically I can do what I want. Although I like going in and making sure everything is running smoothly.

I wear black skinny jeans, a white SD tee, red and black checkered flannel, black Vans, and my Obey SnapBack. Pretty much what I wear everyday, only the shirts and jeans change. I like to keep things simple.

I go in the bathroom that's adjoined to my room and plug in my straightener. While I wait for it to heat up, I brush my teeth, put deodorant and cologne on.

Finally my straightener is hot, I quickly straighten my hair to how I like it. Then leave the bathroom, grabbing my keys for the hook by the door, my phone from the table, and jacket from a chair in the kitchen. Lovely, things scattered all over the place.

I made my way outside. I have a car, I just choose to walk. Besides its a great time to think and and clear my head. So I like walking.

I usually pick up food on the way to my shop, because a McDonalds is like two shops away from it. So it's quick and easy on the way there.

I always walk by a alley way, I never pay it much mind. But today something caught me eye. There was man looking in a dumpster, not just any man. He had gorgeous Snow White wings. They looked to be about fifty feet across, and also looked so soft.

They was by far the most spectacular things I've ever seen. Completely white, without a speck of dirt to be seen. They looked like angel wings.

I don't know if they was real, because that's impossible. But how they met in the middle of the mans back, made them look real. Like he could actually fly with them.

But weather or not they was, I found myself slowly walking forward wanting to touch them. But I should ask and see if they're real.

"Are they real?" I asked the man. What am I thinking, of course they aren't real. Angels or whatever doesn't exist.

The man spun around looking at me with a look of fear. He had huge doe eyes, full pink lips, longish raven black hair. The wings made his small structure look even smaller. He was absolutely stunning. He was the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I slowly stepped forward, and he staggered back.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to know if your wings are real," I spoke softly. He shook his head then spun around, and started running. Then he took off in the sky, beautiful wings flapping. So they are real. That's impossible, Angels aren't real.

"Wait! I just want to talk!" I quickly yelled as soon as his feet left the ground.

I watched the sky as he disappeared into the abyss of clouds. Why was he in an alleyway, digging in a dumpster? Or how is he so stunningly beautiful?

Am I dreaming? I must be dreaming, beautiful, flying humans don't exist. They do not exist. This is all some kind of weird dream. I'll wake up and boom, this beautiful boy with the Snow White wings will be all just a dream.

I shook myself slightly, clearing my mind from all of this. Then I pinched myself. Just to make sure. And I wasn't dreaming. Dammit!

After my encounter with that boy, I was on my way work. Shakily I made my way to the shop.

Vic, Abby, Phoenix, and Jaime was already there. They're the best tattoos artists at my shop. Although Abby, is best a portraits, and Phoenix is best at color. Vic, and Jaime is just over all good at what they do. I'm lucky to have such great people working for me and being my best friends.

Vic and Jaime are the jokesters, and annoying as hell. Abby and Phoenix, love to keep girl secrets and keep us in line.

We've out numbered the two girls, but they clearly rule the roost. I think Abby more so than Phoenix. Abby is a straight up bitch when she needs to be. I am not going to deny they rule, I don't want my ass kicked.

"Hey, Mike!" Abby yelled engulfing me in a bone crushing hug. Her natural bleach blonde hair flapping all over the place.

"Hi, Abb's." I replied hugging her back. She finally pulled away then Phoenix came and hugged me.

"Hey, Mike. Looking good today." The red hair flirted playfully. She knows I'm gay, but still does this. She doesn't mean anything by it, it's just funny.

"Nix, I look like this everyday. Plus I'm gay. Ya' know rainbows and shit." I stated bluntly. Phoenix laughed and walked away.

Jaime and Vic patted my back. Saying a "hi". They all went back to their stations, trying to get ready for the day.

I went to the reception desk and checked out appointments today. There was four. But we always get a few walk-ins. Not that I mind, because I don't tattoo. I can, I just don't.


Finally, I closed up shop. But not without talking to my brother about something. That something was the guy with wings I saw earlier. Vic, stared at me in disbelief. Which I can't blame him at all. I fucking pinched myself, like a kid in a cartoon. It worked though!

"So, you mean to tell me that this boy has wings? And they he fucking flew?" Vic, asked with confused expression.

"Yeah, I swear I saw him fly!" I said moving my arms around my head. As if that would help get my point across.

"You're serious?"

"Yes!" I said loudly.

"What in the hell?" Vic murmured under his breath. I shook my head slightly.

"I don't know," I sighed.

"Yeah... well I'm leaving. Bye bro."

"Yeah, bye." I said; Vic got up form his perch on the counter. Then left out the door.

I sighed loudly and packed my little bit of shit up. Which wasn't much a few papers, keys, jacket, that's all. Once I had everything I locked up and started my walk home. It was about five in the afternoon and the sun still high.

I stopped at McDonalds and got a cheeseburger. Eating it quickly, then finishing my trek home.

I was passing the alley, I looked around and nothing was there. To think I might see that man again. It's never going to happen, although I would love to.

I've been thinking about him all day. The way he turned around with that deer in headlights look. To his beautiful dark colored eyes and plump lips. His raven black hair and stunning white wings. I just really want to see him again.

I know, I'm a hopeless dreamer. But he is just so beautiful and... unique even.

I finished my walk home, still thinking of that boy. That's what I'm still thinking about him, and I'm tired as fuck. I just can't get him out of my head.

I want to see him again...


(A/N: Tony's wings on the side! And new Perrentes. Check out my other one on Piercetheveilfanfiction.com it's called "Sometimes I Sit and Wonder, Sometimes I Feel like Letting Go". Anywho, I hope you all like this. Please comment/vote!)

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