2-I Want to Feel Something

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Tony's P.O.V.

A life on the run. Sounds fun, doesn't it? Well wrong, it's horrible. I hate running everyday, I hate the fear of getting killed, not having food, or a stable shelter.

All I want is a normal life. I want a home, a family, friends. I want someone to love. I don't even know what love is like. I've never felt it.

My parents got killed when I was about seven. They went looking for food for me. I couldn't go with them, so I followed quietly. I seen everything that happened that day. It wasn't pretty. I don't like remembering it, and I can't talk about it. I have no one.

I'm a freak. I have a wings, I wish I could just cut them off. Sadly, I can't thought. It's impossible for some odd reason. Plus, as far as I know I'm the only one left of my kind.

I just woke up from sleeping behind a dumpster somewhere. Slowly I stood up and popped my back, then unfolded my wings. Flapping them a few times. I made sure no one was around.

Gods, it felt good to stretch my wings; even though I hate them. They're huge, and heavy. It's wonder I'm not hunched backed or something.

Looking around I made sure no one was here again, then took a running start. I ran about fifteen feet then let my wings lift me up into the blue sky.

I flew until my wings started hurting. Which happened to be above another dumpster. Great, I might be able to find some kind of edible food.

I landed with a soft thud, well not really a thud. Not even a sound really. I folded my wings so no one could see them if they was looking at me straight ahead. Then looked around and made sure nobody was there, finally I went over to the dumpster.

I find it repulsing digging in a dumpster, but I'm not going to steal. And I don't know how to kill animals. So, I'm stuck with dumpster diving. Great.

I dug around in one for a while; nothing. There was two here, so I moved onto the other one.

I thought I had found a muffin that was uneaten, still in the wrapper. I pulled it out and success was mine!

Hastily, I stuck the muffin in my pants pocket. Then started digging again, thinking I could maybe find something else. Which much to my dismay, nothing.

"Are they real?" I heard a man ask, quickly I spun around looking at him. He was tall, taller than me. He had these weird markings all over his body; tattoos I think they're called. They was so mesmerizing though, all the colors and shapes of them. Under a hat he had dark brown hair, that was long and looked really short on the sides. His lips were full, with a sparkling thing over his top lip, and silver ring in the middle of his bottom lip. His eyes was what captivated me most, they was chocolate brown orbs, staring into mine.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to know if your wings are real." He said, taking a step forward, which had me staggering back. I then turned all the way around and started running. Once I was to speed I took off, my wings carrying my away.

"Wait! I just want to talk!" The man yelled. I didn't turn back.

My heart was beating like crazy, I could feel the throbbing in my ears. That was so close, he almost found out. Oh my gods, he'll probably tell everyone. Then there'll be people searching for me. I could get caught, I could get killed.

I don't technically want to die. I want these stupid wings off me! But, the wings won't come off, and if they did it would kill me. So I have to live with them, and the new fear of being found. My life is looking just peachy.

After what seemed like hours of flying, I finally found what looked to be an abandoned house.

I swooped down and landed on a window seal. I folded my wings, and climbed through the busted window. Looking around there wasn't much, a couch and table.

I walked around some, but all I found was the couch and table. I didn't see anyone else, that's good. I made my way back to the room with the couch.

Sliding down the wall opposite of the window, I pulled the muffin out of my pocket. I unwrapped it, taking a small bite making sure it was okay to eat.

It was, so I ate about half of it. Savoring the flavor, and texture. It's not often I eat, especially when the food is still in the wrapper. After I was finished with half I folded the wrapper over the rest saving it for later.

I stood up slowly, walking around a bit more. Still, I found nothing, a rat here and there. All the the rodents did was sit and stare me, with their beady rat eyes.

I made my way outside, and decided that I would walk around a little. From what I seen there's this house, in the middle of a field. So I should be safe.

I unfolded my wings, walked a little piece and sat down in a random spot. I sat there and stared ahead, thinking of things.

Why, was I born this way? Why, do I have the freakish wings? Just whys all over the place.

I have no answer for them, no one does.

But the thing I long for most is love. I want someone to love, even more than getting these stupid wings off. I don't know what love feels like, or if there's even a feeling there.

But, I'll never know what love is. Never, I'm alone. I'll always be alone. I'm a freak of nature. All I want in my pathetic life, is someone to love, and for them to feel the same way about me.

I don't want to be alone my whole life. I hate living this way. I want... friends. Yes, I want friends. That's all I want in life. I know I sound selfish, but what else is there. I can't give to anyone, and no one gives to me. So, I know no other way.

Life sucks.

I wrapped my wings around myself, and noticed I had tears streaking down my cheeks. Slowly, I rocked myself back and forth, crying silently.

I did this for who knows how long. I folded my wings and laid down in the field. Until I felt myself being pulled in the happiest place I knew. My land of dreams.

I dreamt of love, friends, not being a freak, and last but not least that man from the alleyway...

(A/N: On the side is Abby, just imagine blond hair. Any who, I hope you're liking this so far. If you please give me feedback. Feedback is good. Feedback it great. And it's it helps me to keep writing. Comment||Vote)

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