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Annas POV:
i was on the high way pretty aware of my surroundings

or at least i thought i was

things went blurry and all of the sudden i heard yelling

i looked down and their was blood coming out of my arm

i didnt know what was happening so i just tried to get out of the car i couldnt walk properly tho

someone was asking me stuff but i wasnt quite sure what they were saying

i saw the ambulance coming my way but everything went black

Evas POV:
i woke up at like 9am and i went downstairs

"hey mom" i said

she was making breakfast

"hi sweetie" she said

"what are you making?" i asked

"pancakes!" she said

"yum" i said

she finished cooking and we ate together

" can you feed pluto, eva?" she asked

"sure" i said

i put food and water in his bowls

"i have a meeting so make sure you take pluto out to do his business" she said

"okay i wont forget" i said

im trying to forget everything that has happened between my mom and i

i went back upstairs and saw that connor had texted me

c: goodmoring eva do u wanna hangout today?

e: goodmorning and yea ill ask my mom if i can

i kinda wanted to hangout with anna today tho

i should prob take pluto out rn before he shits everywhere

i went downstairs and grabbed his leash and took him outside

annas car isnt in her driveway

i wonder where she could have gone this early

Annas POV:
i woke up in a weird room

my head is acheing

i saw machienes behind me

a hospital

"hello im dr. johnson " he said

"oh hi" i said

"what is your name" he said

"uh im anna, anna shumate"i said

"how exactly did i get here?" i said

" well you crashed into a parked car going at a fast speed" he said

"im assuming you were under the influence" he said

"oh um well whats wrong w me?" i asked

" you sprained your right wrist" he said

"oh so how long do i have to be in this stupid cast" i asked

"around  1  1/2 months " he said

"oh damn im right handed as well" i said

"we tried contacting your parents but they didnt reach back to us" he said

a darker kind of goodbyeWhere stories live. Discover now