date p2

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Evas POV:
anna makes me so happy. the happiest ive ever been in a while

she understands me and its like we connect perfectly

shes playing with my hair right now

after like 20 mins and the sun went down it was getting dark

"bubs i think we should go back down" anna said

"yea its getting dark" i replied

my ex bf never did anything like this for me he manipulated me throughout our whole relationship

it was bad so ever since i have had lots of trust issues

i can feel that anna is different

"hey i think we should race to the car" i said

"mm i think thats a great idea" she said

" okay 3... 2... 1... go" i said

we raced to the car i beat anna but it was obvious she let me win

"haha i won" i said

"i let you win loser"she said pushing me against the car

woah butterflies

"your hot" i said

"no" she said

"mm i think you are" i said

i turned us around so that she was against the car

"your the loser" i said

"oh really?" she said

"yup"i said

"ok i was gonna do some more fun things but since im a loser i think it wont work" she said smiling as she walked away

"kidding ur not a loser" i said pulling her arm

"thats more like it" she said smirking

we got into her car

Annas POV:
i drove to a mcdonalds nearby

suprisinly its easier than i thought to drive with a cast

"yes i love dons" she said smiling

i drove through and got our food

i parked the car in the parking lot so we could eat

"i got your usual " i said passing her the bag

"thanks babe" she said

as we were both eating it started to rain

" ayo we should film a tiktok in the rain" i said

"ooo yes" she said as she pulled out her phone

i opened the car door and got soaked by the rain

eva just laughed as she got out and set up her phone for the tiktok

she put on slowed confident as the sound

i grabbed her waist and pulled her into a kiss

we pulled away and laughed

we were soaked but it didnt matter

after filming a couple more tiktoks eva decided to post it on her spam acc

"you sure you wanna announce it to the public" i said

"yea if your okay with it" she said

"of course silly i dont wanna keep you a secret anymore" i said

a darker kind of goodbyeWhere stories live. Discover now