8:26 p.m. London
(Mention of Alcohol)After spending the last two weeks hanging out, going out drinking, staying out extra late, and even going to some parties, Nick had to prepare to head back home.
Tonight was no different. The group walked back to the dorms, drunk. Hardly able to stay on the sidewalk as the passed other groups who weren't nearly as drunk.
"Dream!" George laughed as he watched the other trip over his own feet, nearly falling flat on his face. However the tall male managed to keep from hurting himself too much.
Nick turned around and laughed as he seen his best friend slowly getting off the grass. "Clay what the hell?"
George looked the other dead in the eyes, and with the most serious tone he could muster up. "Who is Clay?"
Dream looked at Nick. He returned the same gaze, both went into laughing fits. Now two of the three where on the grass.
A little frustrated, George crossed his arms and kept walking back to their room. Leaving the other two like he didn't even know them.
"Hey, wait up!" Dream smirked as he got up and went after the brunette. Almost falling again as he approached him.
Nick however was still on the ground, he hadn't noticed he was alone just yet.
Once he caught up to the other, he placed a hand on his shoulder. Making him stop in the middle of the sidewalk.
"George." Dream breathed his alcohol laced breath into George's face as he looked him in his drunken eyes
Even though the stench of alcohol didn't bother George, he was still upset and tried pushing Dream away.
"Stop, I want to go home." George sighed as he walked away from Dream again.
Dream was confused as to why the brunette seemed to be upset. However he kept close to him, not only to make sure no one hurt him. But to also find his way home.. as he was overly drunk.
As the two made their way back to the dorms, George kept looking over his shoulder. Seeing the blonde stumble and walk zig zags caused a small smile.
Finally, George managed to find their door after wondering several other halls. "My key works!" His drunken happiness echoed through the hallway.
While trying to shut the door, Dream stuck his arm in to hold it open.
"Woah there." Dream laughed as he pushed the door open. Though it looked like it had startled him by the way he pushed himself inside.
Slowly, George backed up until he felt the bed. There he sat and watched silently as Dream ran into the wall, the desk, and their shoes while just trying to enter.
"Are you mad?" Dream asked as he went to toss his keys on the counter. He completely missed as they landed right on the ground.
George rolled his eyes and laid back on the bed. Kicking his shoes off and setting his keys on the pillow. "No."
The blonde laughed as he shook his jacket off, then tried to approach George again.
Resting his hand carefully on the others thigh, he tried his best to get back on George's good side. After all, he really just wanted him to move over so he could lay down.
"I know when you're mad, so just tell me already." Dream leaned over to catch the others gaze.
With a small huff, George finally met Dream's eyes. "I just wanted to know who 'Clay' is. You and Nick kept bringing him up tonight."

Coding His Heart // dreamnotfound
FanfictionTwo students struggling to keep their grades and pants up. Will this Florida man survive university in England? (DNF)