Chapter 4: Consequences

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     I had no time to say anything.  I quickly talked Tyreese into getting up from the ground and following me. Blood covered his eyes and face, and he could barely see where he was going. I've killed him. I fucked up my one shot prove my strength to the group. I couldn't help but blame myself for what had happened. If the walker blood got into his eyes,  he'd surely turn, and I'd be held accountable.

     We managed to break the lock of the front gate and exit the community.  Tyreese fell to his knees and rubbed on his eyes more.

     "WHAT HAPPENED?" Michonne yelled as she ran to kneel by him.

     "Walker got it my eyes." Tyreese frantically said.

     "We have to get your eyes flushed out now!" Glenn quickly stated, as he tossed a water bottle to Rick.

     Everyone huddled around Tyreese, who's eyes were being flushed frantically by Rick in an effort to save his life. After the bottle ran out,  Rick worriedly screamed for another. I handed him half a bottle of water from his backpack and watched as he continued trying to clean Tyreese's eyes out. After the water ran out, everyone backed away from Tyreese. 

     "Did-did it work?" I asked Rick worriedly.

     "I don't know, Beth,  I don't know..." Rick replied without confidence as he dropped the empty bottle on the ground.


     When we returned to the rest of the group, everyone knew something was up with Tyreese. He looked as if he had been through hell and back. Not because of an infection, but he was worried for his life, and it was my fault. I couldn't stop thinking about what I did. If I had let Tyreese handle the walker himself, maybe he could have gotten out unharmed. I just had to try to save the day.  No. Anyone else would have done the same. I need to stop thinking about it.

     " What happened?" Sasha sternly questioned Rick.

      "Walker must have gotten in his eyes. I flus-" Rick was interupted.

     "Walker blood? How could you get it in your eyes?!?" Sasha yelled at Tyreese.

     For a second I thought Tyreese glanced at me for a second, but maybe I was just imagining it. Either way, I felt responsible if he died because of me. I plopped down against a nearby tree and listened to an angry Sasha ramble on about how stupid Tyreese was for allowing that to happen. I didn't remember Sasha being this cranky and rude all the time at the prison, but I guess almost being eaten and losing a boyfriend can have that effect on you.

     After things calmed down a little, I called Tyreese over to me.

     "Do you blame me for what happened?" I asked him in a shy tone.

     "Of course not Beth, you were just trying to help." He replied. I couldn't tell if he was just being his usual forgiving self or if he was lying.

     "Maybe it would have been best if y'all never found me at that hospital. If Noah never found Daryl and y'all. Y'all are better off without me." I let out, not thinking about what I was saying.

     "Beth, stop it." Tyreese sternly said, "On the road, after the prison,  I endured something that I never thought I'd have to go through."

     "What was it?" I asked.


     Tyreese looked towards his feet, and tears began to drip from his face. 

     "Those two girls....Lizzie and Mika.....They're gone. Lizzie was the one feeding the walkers at the prison and dissecting animals. She......she...." He broke down in tears before he could finish.

    I knew what he meant to say, and I can't believe Lizzie would do that. I barely knew her, but a little girl killing her own sister like that was awful. Tyreese finally explained to me that he had to find out Carol killed Karen and David.  I had already heard from Maggie after Rick kicked Carol out the group. By the end of his story, both of us were in tears. He explained to me that he hasn't talked to anyone about the situation since it happened.

     "Why are you telling me then?" I wondered.

     "If I'm gonna die, I can't die with it trapped inside me." Tyreese said.

     I thought about those words all evening. Even he doesn't think he's going to make it. I feel like Tyreese right now with the guilt I have trapped inside me. If I was ever going to fight this, I would have to tell someone. I finally built up my courage, and walked over to Sasha.

     "Sasha, we need to talk about Tyreese." I shly told her.

     "What? Has a fever set in??" She questioned me.

     "No, but it's about the walker blood." I let out.

     "What about the walker blood?" She gave me a strange look as if she had already guessed what I was about to say.

     "There was a walker on top of him...I stabbed it in the head to help him, but some blood just..-" I was slammed against the side of the bus.

     "So you're telling me you're the reason my brother is gonna die?? Because you couldn't THINK for two seconds?" She yelled in my face.

    "I was just trying to-"

     "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TRIED ANYTHING" She threw me onto the ground and would have kicked me if it weren't for Maggie interfering.

     "GET THE FUCK OFF MY SISTER" Maggie yelled as the two girls broke into a fist fight. Daryl broke the two up before things got too violent, and Sasha stormed off into the bus.

     I told the group everything that happened back at Shirewilt with Tyreese.  Nobody knew what to say, other than "You were trying to help" I felt horrible, and I probably deserved what Sasha was going to do to me. I decided I wanted to be alone, so I walked around to the other side of the bus to sit. I was eventually joined by Maggie,  who sat right by me.

     "It's not you're fault. That's why I didn't want you to go. Everything is unpredictable." She said.

     "Where's Tyreese?" I asked her, not wanting to continue the conversation.

     "I think he said he had to use the bathroom." Maggie replied.

     I knew he wasn't using the bathroom. 

     We found Tyreese not even an hour later, roaming around the edge of the woods. He went off alone to die. I would have put him down myself, since it was my fault in the first place,  but Sasha went insane and fired multiple shots at him in order to relieve her anger. I'm lucky those shots weren't at me.

     We had to leave the area, since a significant amount of walkers were attracted to the sound of the gunshots. There wasn't even time for a burial,  and that hit me the most. I know things will always be difficult with Sasha and I after this,  and she has a good reason to hate me.

I killed her brother

*Definitely not my best chapter, but I needed to build some tension up between Sasha and Beth. Things should be getting interesting pretty soon. Thanks for reading*

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