Chapter 23: Freedom & Sandwiches

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          I feel ashamed that I've had to resort to using you again, but each day
     grew more and more lonesome behind these bars. Douglas tried
     painting me as a traitor, and I was sentenced to 3 months locked up for
     leaving Alexandria and causing the deaths of Abraham and Noah. Being
     locked in here made me realize that neither of those deaths were my
     fault. Noah chose to go, Abraham chose to take that shot. The only way
     I can move on from this is by telling myself that it wasn't my fault. Being
     locked in here has really changed me. I was wrong when I told myself I
     was a "new Beth Greene." I was always the same old me after that
     hospital, but I chose to pretend I wasn't. If everything goes right, I should
     be freed tomorrow. I've been locked in this old "prison" for 89 days now,
     and I can't wait to get out. Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought
     about Walter, and I realize how foolish I was to get attached to
     someone in a world like this. I would never let that happen again.
     I couldn't wait to be able to hold Issiac in my arms. I guess you could say
     I'm going to be a "mom." I always loved taking care of Judith, and now
     I get to take care of my own child. Oh, I gotta go now. Someone's coming
     to see me. Bye ♥

                                                                                          , Beth ♡

     I closed my journal and slid it back under the old mattress I was forced to sleep on. The "jail" was just an old basement that had been sectioned off into separate cells. For the most part, I was the only one down here, but some drunken idiot would be thrown in for a night every now and then. My cell was small, and all I was given was an old mattress, a bucket, and a desk. I turned to the stairs and saw Daryl making his way down them. Every now and then someone would come to visit me. Everyone would talk about their lives in Alexandria as if it would make me feel better, but it didn't. I couldn't wait to feel the fresh air on my face, and their stories only made my sentence more painful. Daryl pulled his chair up against my cell.

     "Hey Greene." He told me. He always looked so awkward when he came to visit me. I guess it's weird that between the two of us, I'm the one who had been thrown behind bars.

     "Hey." I softly said.

     "One more day, then you're outta this dump." Daryl assured me. He never agreed with my sentence, neither did all of my other friends.

     "Can't wait." I let out.

     "I'll tell you what," Daryl started. "First thing when you get out, I'm making you a fresh meal."

     "Oh, are you Chef Dixon now?" I laughed.

     "Naw, but I can make a hell of a sandwich." He gave an awkward half smile.

     "I'm tired of just eating rice." I replied. "A sandwich sounds nice."

     We sat and talked about how things were for the both of us. I told him about how lonely and gross being trapped in this cell was, and he told me how everyone was doing above ground. Rick had managed to meet a new woman, Glenn was adjusting to his new amputated arm, and Issiac and Judith had become good friends. I couldn't wait too see them all again, but this time, on the other side of these bars.

     "Alright, I gotta head on." Daryl said, standing from his chair.

     "See you tomorrow?" I asked.

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