chapter 9

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Jimmy's wounds were healing fast and he quickly got better today was the day that Jimmy can finally leave the hospital Yuri was paying the bills and helping jimmy Yuri didn't want Jimmy to walk so he picked up Jimmy and carryed him in bridal style ah. Yuri kun can put me down now I..I can walk aww but I don't wanna all the nurses and doctors saw this they couldn't help but say awww how cute and some nurses even fainted Jimmy was so embarrassed that he covered his face Yuri thought it was cute aww is my little Jimmy embarrassed y..Yuri kun Jimmy said Yuri just chuckled they were finally out of the hospital.
Jimmy pov
AHH we are finally out of the hospital y..Yuri kun can put me down now I..I think I can walk but Yuri refused and said aww please let me carry you please he said with a desperate look Jimmy couldn't refuse him f..fine Jimmy said blushing so Yuri walk with Jimmy in his arms they were both talking when Yuri bumped into Tamura said h..hey Jimmy..h..hey y..Yuri kun Yuri said what the fuck are you doing here! Yuri said in an angry tone t.. Tamura kun why are you Tamura just stayed silent well are you going to answer or not you bitch! Yuri said it turns out Tamura was following Yuri to see what he's up to if you have nothing to say then we will be on our way! Wait why do you always come here to visit that ugly and weak stalker of yours Jimmy heard this and became angry Yuri said now listed here you..Yuri kun put me down Jimmy said angry but j..Jimmy put me down Yuri agreed and put his dear Jimmy down Jimmy approach Tamura and said now listed here you bitch Tamura was stunned but said what what are you going to do punch me kick my ass hahaha hahaha Tamura just laugh Yuri was about to punch him when Jimmy let out a laugh hahaha indeed Jimmy punch tamuras face and kicked his fucking ass and punch his stomach and said in a scary tone still think I'm good for nothing and weak Yuri was shocked because he never seen Jimmy angry before Tamura was also shocked and scared j.. Jimmy I'm so sorry sorry sorry listen here you bitch if you ever try to approach me and Yuri kun again I will make shore that you never existed you bitch and Jimmy got hold of tamuras clothes and thrown him onto the tree and said good bye you peace of shit Yuri was stunned of how strong Jimmy was j.. Jimmy he said Jimmy said still pist off what! Yuri was scared but Jimmy instantly apologize s.. sorry Yuri kun I.. didn't m.. mean to but Yuri hugged him and said it ok Jimmy and Jimmy said y..Yuri k..kun will still love me even if I'm you're stalker and showing you my angry side of course I will never be able to leave without you I will love you no matter what you are and they kissed each other (the end )
Authors note
Ok this chapter might be a short one
But Jimmy turned into a bad ass well not total but he's still our cute Jimmy hahaha sorry my dear readers I hope you guys like it 😉

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